
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Ballad, Jazz, Latin, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove
Far too many to even start a list. Maybe I'll tell you later. xD
I like all sorts of everything, ESPECIALLY music! I can find any song to like from any genre of music, so I'm pretty well rounded. I'm also a fountain of useless information, so if I were ever on a trivia show, they'd have to ask me to leave because I was playing for too long. Ha. I'm kidding maybe. But I DO know a lot of facts for no reason in particular. Oh! I also LOVE to cook big fancy meals and draw... a lot. ^_^ I-I like to draw a lot. Not cook a lot... Cooking can get tiring.
I got this music shake account for nothing serious. I like to mess around with music makers and see what I come up with, so all my songs I'll be posting might not be the best, or even remotely good. I'm just here to have fun slapping noises together to have fun. And if you happen to find something of mine even kind of interesting, then feel free to remix it. I'd be more than delighted, and twice as honored.
Well I guess that's all there is to me. Thanks for reading and go have fun making music!
Please check it out and support, It's The Last Song to 'Life's Soundtrack"
This is for the famous collared wolf called RockStar that lost his life to a helicopter poacher in 2012. PLEASE RATE OR LEAVE A COMMENT!~~♣Ace♣~~
"Star Dance": ~
Ciao! :D
I'm back with another great song! Here:
It's called "Save me"
(New Song) DO THEM PUSH UPS!!!:
If i was at your house would you:
A.) Beat me up
B.) Play Fight
C.) Talk About Music
D.) Call the Cops
Remember my old account? "R3fn4"? TROLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!! I'M BACK!!!!!!!
Uh... C?
Listen when you can....thanks