
Favorite genre
Rock/Metal, Electronic/Techno, Classical/New Age
Favorite artists
Mostly Jrock stuff. Gackt, The GazettE, Nightmare. Dir en Grey
About me
I hope to make some really moving music one day. The type of stuff that gets you motivated. Let me know what you think of my stuff :)
Songs by Eyeshine (10) see all
Hey there! I have a new song and was wondering if you would like to listen to it. Not forcing you. Only if you want to. Do it when you have time:
It is called Nothing Gonna Stop Me
Comments, Favorites, and Ratings are very much appreciated. But I also get very happy if you only listen to it. :-) Thank you for reading and have a nice day/night! ♥
thanks i will listen to it now sorry i haven't been on much
Simple doesn't always have to be complete crap.. in my eyes.. only a few instruments can explain ones joy, anger, sadness, and well.. any feelings under the sun.
This one explains joy, here's Shining On The Soundwaves. :)
Nah, i'm not, I haven't even heard your music, I can listen to it later if you want.
r u calling my music crap? its fine if u r
Frozen in Time
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ᘉᙓᙡ ᔕᗢﬡᘐ - http://eng.musicshake.com/song/293406
jukkaduei nice song u should put it on youtube
My special track. Thank you for listening.
"Satirically" is a one of my best song. It's have a cool melody and melodic.
I hope you'll like this song :)
The Time Traveler a story about the man who traveled through time~
hi i do fun and up beat music you'll surely love!!