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Rock/Metal, Dance/Disco

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cheeki breeki

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jamestaylor - 10 years ago
"Little Wings" - ballad with focus on acoustics
I hope you have time to listen to this song...thanks!! It's a remix of a song I did about 2 years ago.

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

a Long Forgotten Fairytale : this song is a remix of the original song "Limit Removal " created by fellowshaker CyberDragonX. I would like to congratulate CyberDragon with his 200th song, and when you have time, check out some of the very nice songs on CyberDragons page!! Hope you will enjoy this "forgotten Fairytale" ! Cheers, OEROE.

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

THE STARGATE : this song is a remix of the mysterious song "操りのフランベルジェ" created by fellowshaker 'kana3' !! it was my pleasure to remix this awesome song! Big shoutout 2 Kana 3 !!! Enjoy! OEROE.

CCCat - 10 years ago
"Being Buttercup"

This is song #5 for Music Week...mission completed. Rosypony1 nominated me for this new idea of posting a song a day for a week.
I hope you'll like this one; it's for Rosy and her little doggie Buttercup!!!

CCCat - 10 years ago
"What Remains Is Love"
Song #4 of Music Week! Another Classical from me...
only one more to go and you will get a break from me. Thanks for listening to my songs!

CCCat - 10 years ago
"The TechnoMatic" - here is my 3# song of what rosypony1 is calling "Music Week".
This is a remix of a wild OEROE techno song called "the WeirdoMatic". I hope you like it!

CCCat - 10 years ago
"Lucy Lectrik"
A light, fun techno song
"Where She May Be"
An ethereal, new age style song

Here are my first two songs for "music week"; the brainchild of rosypony1...she "nominated" me to participate so I am giving it a try. I usually like to take weeks to months to mix and post a song, so I hope you find these two enjoyable. 2 down, and 5 to go!! Thanks for listening!

Jakio - 10 years ago

"Forget Me"
from my new EP Cause and Effect.
Enjoy this Classical Electric Piece

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

Going Back in Time : With this beautiful and Mysterious Song, I will take you back in Time! it will bring us to almost 4 years ago, when I created my most favorite Song, called "the Dark Tales" So come along, and enter this Mysterious Place, where those "little Dark Creatures' Live! Enjoy, OEROE!

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

STARWALKER: this a beautiful calm technosong, and it's a remix of the song "wonderous star child" which I created about 3 years ago. Enjoy, and please comment and rate if you have time! cheers, OEROE!

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