Breakdown created by karma5 17 years ago

Plays: 179 Favorites: 7
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Running/Wild Theme: Other

Something's gone wrong...time to haul @$$!!!

**History of the Song: The idea for this song actually stems from the alarm siren that's heard in the beginning. I don't remember if I heard that siren on tv first or on the MS program, but that's how the song started. Originally, I had images of a biohazard accident in some top-secret underground facility. But as I was playing around with the song, my mind went up to outerspace during an emergency on a spaceship or space station. From there, the movie "2001 Space Odyssey"

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ButterflyLuv - 14 years ago


angelhouse - 15 years ago

WOW!! You got my ATTENTION:lol This is really GREAT!! Great composition, great description and Michelle is outstanding:)

premierlegen - 15 years ago

Now I see why so many has rated this song!

silverhok77 - 15 years ago

Wow. Just. Wow.

kana3 - 15 years ago

very cool! :D

Dudeman - 16 years ago words man................epic.............

jkrjjrs - 16 years ago

Very cool song. nice use of effects and stuff. The beginniung was what really caught me. I noticed this was from a while back. well I just started shaking again so come and check me out.

89Ford - 16 years ago

wow. man... This is what I call awsome. lol

furrerrm193 - 16 years ago

hey karma, it's bestviola91, but with a different name. idk if you remember me, but search "bestviola91" under people, listen to some of my stuff, and maybe it'll bring back a memory. just letting you know im getting back into MS, and this is my new username. good stuff man

kaminski - 16 years ago

I like this for many reasons and I do think this is a brave and yet successful departure from your earlier work.I have always admired your combination's and how you manage to great flow from your songs. Did i ever tell you I am a fan:)

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