Vicious created by allaroundme 11 years ago

Plays: 27 Favorites: 13
Genre: Rock/Metal Mood: Etc Theme: Other

Alright, here's the deal, RossM13 seems to think that we made an agreement and somehow I broke that agreement. Now he won't leave me alone because he texts me constantly and I had to ban him on here so that he wouldn't spam me with comments. Now don't get me wrong, I wouldn't be doing this if there wasn't a point to it. He is seeming to be posting comments saying that I broke an agreement that we never even made and is trying to get you to un-fan me. I don't appreciate it and I really do love all of you no matter what because you love music just as much as I do. I just don't want to lose anybody to a rumor that isn't true. this isn't a hate song because that's low, but it's just me telling you what's happening and that I would not be mean if the circumstances were different. I really am a nice person and I just hope you can all see that I haven't ever been like this to anybody else so I'm sorry if I have hurt anybody not in this in any way. I didn't mean to if I did.
Thank you for understanding.

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Jul 07 2014
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