16-bit Saga (EXPERIMENT) created by JeysonMcFli 12 years ago
Plays: 17
Favorites: 4
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Running/Wild
Theme: Other
May I present to you my first chiptune inspired song. I feel like this song is actually not quite done, but for now I would just like some feedback about it.
I apologize for being gone for awhile. I have these random moments where I just lose my inspiration. Sorry. Anyways, I hope you guys like this.
image by iamtherorster at deviantart
Other songs by JeysonMcFli see all
Holy shit Explosive!
Haha, thanks dude!
Will comment as I go along: Your starting sequence is simply astonishing. I feel like I am there.
Okay, well, still. only 20 tracks. Columbia records would be put to shame with what you can accomplish with so little. :)
It only says 15 tracks up there because it doesn't count the double twin tracks I did to add radio distortion and other such volume fixes to the song. 5 of which I needed. Looks like I need just a couple more though. Oh, and I've already dialed back the violins to what I think is a nice (headache-safe) balance. Will remix the rest of the way tomorrow. Night.
It's actually 20 exactly. then 6 more effect "tracks". And I did some investigation, it actually was a violin ensemble. So, I know what to change now.
Okay, well sleep well and rest assured this is easily one of the top 10 tracks I have yet heard here. I can understand why you're so proud of it. You are so awesome. I cannot believe you managed to accomplish all of that in just 15 tracks!!!!!
Nah. I've been working on this song for the past 3 days (on and off). I've had MusicShake glitch on me at least 10 times from day one to the conclusion of "Frontline".
Sorry...I've never done that before! That fast-pace analysis. I know it's a lot to take in, I hope i didn't put you off when you're so tired.
Thanks for the honest input. It actually wasn't a violin, according to the track details. However, the actual instrument was, I believe. I dunno. I'll do a remix of it after work tomorrow and upload it. Right now, I'm a little too tired and should be hitting the sheets. Work in the morning at 5am.
My analysis: Your storytelling, both musically and on the written page are wonderful. Not everybody has both of those abilities.
That said, you had a few issues, as mentioned below. Oh, another thing, you might wanna switch up the violin from just those two notes. It happened for well over two minutes and it was starting to hurt my head. :)
Love the soft heartbeats on the battlefield, followed by the sounds of being essentially executed. OH EXCELLENT USE OF THE TIMPANI AT 10:10!!!
Love the top register synth around 8:48.
Violin is still too buried as of 8:45.
Add in another track of violin if you need to at 6:32 if you want it to stand out without distortion on the original track.
Your violin is a little to fuzzed out/buried at 6:32.
Maybe add in a little cello at 5:05, it was a little bare for a little too long.
WTG, using the viola loops sparingly, to space it out through the song and make it not sound repetitious.
LOVE the sad violin followed by the guitar!!!!