Never Forget created by 89Ford 13 years ago

Plays: 134 Favorites: 8
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Etc Theme: Other

what do we do in Musicshake?
From the time we start the program,
to the time that we start putting together music.
We tell a story.. but we dont tell it with words.
We tell it with our Imaginations.

What makes you want to be a Musicshaker?

the thought that you could create music?
Fame? Glory?

The truth is. It is possible.

The way I see it is..
You bust your ass. you attempt to break limits.
You show up day in and day out.
You strain your mind to the max. =) Never Miss a beat.

I'm not that great.
I'm no greater than any other person in Musicshake.
But I respect our Musicshake.
I love Musicshake. I am glad to put my Imagination here.
The one thing that Musicshake has taught me is anything is possible.
I will gladly continue to do Musicshake till I can do it no more.

RESPECT. It is earned. N0t given.

I have a long way to earn my respect here.
I have done my own wrongs. atleast I am not scared to admit.

I want you all to know that I am here to stay. Regardless of how bad things are.

I'm one of a kind. I'm 89Ford. =)
6 years Ago. March 16th. I started Musicshake.
I was the biggest noob for weeks.
but boy did I bust my ass getting to know everybody.
=D the site grew by 2009. and 2010 it was just insanity all over.

I dont really remember much about 2011.. was around... slightly. =/
and got accused of harassing someone. I remember that..
lol but the real problem was that I was called a muel. you know.
what ever the f a mule is... I dunno? I still want an explanation on why I was called a meule.. lol fail spelling to epicsize it.
real problem is.. I dont care anymore about it.
mainly cause I won that argument.

well.. that's about it. Work hard. Play hard.
And just remember. Be you.

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