UPRISING !! created by oeroe2911 13 years ago
Plays: 106
Favorites: 19
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Running/Wild
Theme: Other
a Song about Human Beings who are fat up with a system that does not work! When in the End everybody is finaly aware of this nightmare....than they will RISE UP!
"UPRISING" !! OEROE! let's wake up people!
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Excellent! Energetic and cool!! I really liked it. :-)
very nice oeroe(:
thanx bro! sorry I am a little behind my scedule with replies! my secretary took a couple of days of ...LOL! OEROE!
I really loved every single instument you put it the song!! The instruments flowed perfectly and it made the song amazing!!
thanks Abbb! this song got me very excited while creating it!! LOL Hyper the Piper!
LOL! OEROE! <##@@##>
Boom! Explosion of energy :d
BOOM TirO!! seek shelter>>>>>>>>>$$##@@##$$ Fire in the hose!! LOL! thanks buddy! great you liked it! OEROE!
fresh music cool oeroe great song one think keep the time maximam on 5min its my opinión
heheheheheeh yeah its coooool
thank you challou! I know what you mean with the maximum minutes, but if it was up to me , I would have made it an hour! it is really awesome to create this type of songs, and I am really jumping behind my desktop! LOL! cheers bro!
Dance-y! Insane Music!! It's gonna be Hard to approach this maximum levEl of AwesoMeness!!
Hey my good friend blanktown with the alseeing eye! LOL! I knew you were gonna be really hyper by listening to this song! I know that I did! LOL! you are right about approaching this level of songs, but we sure are going to try hard! LOL! music is endless bud! <#@@#> OEROE! Cheers!
that's great nanononoman! LOL! OEROE!
i love how you kept it upbeat throughout the whole song - and it's pretty groovy! awesome job on this one :D *5/5*
Thanks Neko! yes that's the music I love! upbeat , and if it was up to me, than I would have made it about an hour in lenght! LOL! It's just great to create these kind of songs! thank you for your comment, fav & stars! <#@@#> OEROE!
Really awesome job Oeroe!.. I was really tired with all my work and this just woke me up!! Truly refreshing and wild! (: 5 stars!!
:D Upp! your timing was amazing! lol! No problem
I am glad that I am just in time harjot! I was afraid that you might be already asleep...but now you brand new!! LOL! thanks for the very awake comment! cheers, OEROE! <#@@#>
this is amazing.... ! 5 star :))
thanks 5 star! ,,,O sorry, I mean coco afcourse! LOL! <#@@#> OEROE!