Wonderful Evening created by FioreDeLys 13 years ago

Plays: 542 Favorites: 11
Genre: Jazz Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Remix

Erm yeah....... I finally finished my 2nd song so...hope u enjoy =3= . Im suck ..

Genre: Jazz Mood: Warm/Comforting Theme: Wedding
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koloup - 13 years ago

I don't really think over 500 plays is a sucky or erm song! This is awesome Fiore, I love the jazz feeling! It's really difficult to find some good jazz pieces on this site, and yours is awesome! Keep it up, 5 stars!

IDragon76 - 13 years ago

Thiên Chúa của tôi là tuyệt vời, tôi yêu bài hát này: D

hopeflow - 13 years ago

Very nice :D It really got the 'evening' feel in it~ This just sounds like the kind of music you would have in a restaurant....so beautiful and relaxing :3 Good job!

FioreDeLys - 13 years ago

Uwaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh~ thanks Hopeflow You're musics are great twew ! :D im appriciated that very much but im still a rookie and......well need to practice more and more

roughtice - 13 years ago

This is great jazz music! Each musical instrument is employed efficiently splendidly.

FioreDeLys - 13 years ago

=3= well i really need to work on that ya know ? The song is not that great but thanks roughtice , your compliment really means alot to me :D I'll try my best to make some more !!

thekoolgirl - 13 years ago

This is a good song. I like it! Especially the piano you chose. :D

FioreDeLys - 13 years ago

Aaawww aww thanks kool girl I appriciated that ~ *weeehee*

LadyMinerva - 13 years ago

This is quite a very relaxing jazz song, also a touch of New Age with some of the chords. You really shouldn't put yourself down, because this is a very decent song, still some things to work on, but this is a overall good song for your 2nd one. Keep going!

FioreDeLys - 13 years ago

WIll do my lady , will do

LadyMinerva - 13 years ago

Definitely. You have my support! (with my fan as well!).
You can listen to my other songs if you like :D

FioreDeLys - 13 years ago

Thank you my lady , your words encouraged me alot ! I'll definitely make some more and try harder ! :D :D , please give me some opinion , tell me how do u feel about my song ok? :D :D Also im looking forward to your new song twew ~

LadyMinerva - 13 years ago

Plus there are some people who are willing to help you, MusicShake is a fun community the first time I've joined, so always ask for opinions for songs that would like improvement from people, then you'll know when you are on the right track!

LadyMinerva - 13 years ago

It's fun to experiment, music takes time to create, and it's not always an easy task to make. It's great that you are going to keep trying. Songs like Lyadra's and yours, and other people who work hard on their songs, I'm going to expect great things! :D

Chazzybennod - 13 years ago

you're raping my ears. Fuck you. It sounds goods, even the drum shits is kinda irrelevant : | Love it. Masterpiece.

FioreDeLys - 13 years ago

Aawwww Aaawww thanks chazzy *lăn lăn lăn*

Lyadra - 13 years ago

decent *yaoming* I don't have much to say about it. ((: lol just kidding ((: This sounds good :)) a little repetitive but overall this is a good song :D Well done, dear! :3

FioreDeLys - 13 years ago

Xì , ta công nhận là nó tệ thật =3=

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