Lượt người đàn ông created by IDragon76 13 years ago

Plays: 55 Favorites: 13
Genre: Hiphop Mood: Etc Theme: Movie

"Hãy đến với chúng tôi, cho chúng tôi nằm trong chờ đợi cho máu, chúng ta hãy phục kích những người vô tội mà không có lý do, con trai tôi, không bước đi trong con đường với họ, giữ lại chân của bạn từ các con đường của họ, cho đôi chân của họ chạy với điều ác, và họnhanh lên để đổ máu.

- Message from Dragon
Đừng trở thành một trong những người đàn ông

Message from Dragon in english
-Don't become one of these men just don't.

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chaplin - 13 years ago

Very nice song! Really a great job! I liked it a lot :-)

roughtice - 13 years ago

Very thanks Chap! :D

KayKreates - 13 years ago

Wow Tice...that's Nice! I look forward to your songs because you make them very interesting....Great Work...nice ending too! :)

KayKreates - 13 years ago

Tice...my laptop can only keep up with so many instruments...I will see how much is used for your project. :)

roughtice - 13 years ago

Since it was boring after finishing ordinarily, this bell was used.

Would you like to make intense music soon.
Now, I will make a next project!

DarkStar1O9 - 13 years ago

Very nice Shuji you gave it a unique feel and I also really like the transitions you chose, thanks for another awesome work!

roughtice - 13 years ago

Thank you, Titus.
Such unique music was built after a long time.
My has a nostalgic feeling.

But it loves making hot music too. lol.

TheAncient1 - 13 years ago

I agree with Oeroe the song has a smooth and unusual sound , its well remixed and enjoyable , well done and all the best.

roughtice - 13 years ago

It's"Funny Spiccato String"? since atmosphere was expressed, that was used.
But volume raising was good.

harjot - 13 years ago

Really good.. I LOVED the beginning though!! Awesome job :)!

roughtice - 13 years ago

Very thanks Harjot! Loving each other is really good. XD

thekoolgirl - 13 years ago

This is very interesting and upbeat. Kooly enjoyed it :)

roughtice - 13 years ago

It was going to make it the work which imagined the grown-up woman.
But when imagining Leppylove, it is girl-oriented music unawares.
It's wonderful. lol XD

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

that's a very good remix job Roughtice! the song has a very smooth and unusual sound! like "after making love" ....LOL! good begin of the new year my friend! Cheers, OEROE! <#@@#>

roughtice - 13 years ago

Thank you Mr.Oeroe!
It was how although the idea was changed a little this time?

Did it waver in "before" or "after". It was also hard to consider a title.

Tiro - 13 years ago

good work!

roughtice - 13 years ago

It took 15 hours this time.
I got tired very much.

nonoman123 - 13 years ago

soft and good

roughtice - 13 years ago

Thank you for hearing it! Nono :D

ken77 - 13 years ago

this is a great mix

roughtice - 13 years ago

Very thank you! :)

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Oct 08 2012
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