Ford The Phoenix SoulPaper Remix created by SoulPaper 13 years ago
Plays: 82
Favorites: 5
Genre: Rock/Metal
Mood: Light/Bright
Theme: Remix
I know I posted this too late for stEAmpowered's competition, but I just couldn't resist getting my hands on this epic song. :D
I crafted it to more my style by incorporating different east Asian instruments. I was also feeling very inspired by Florence and the Machine and the Titanic soundtrack, so I added some harp-age here and there, changed around the strings a bit, and added a "lighter" percussion.
*got really into it* xD
I had loads of fun!
Too bad I didn't come on musicshake before the competition ended! xO!
I hope everyone enjoys this!
Remixed from F.T.P. Remix Competition by stEAmpowered
Other songs by SoulPaper see all
A very beautiful song!:)
So emotional and sad but awesome!xD
Keep up the good work!^^
hey sry i havent commented on this song yet... its really great, nice job :) i especially like the beginning :)
a very emotional piece! great job! :D
Great song, I like the wonderful work with the synths.And the change of speed can suggest contrast between two opposite states of mind.Loneliness is sometimes a good thing.It makes people reflect upon things and appreciate the opposite feeling of it...and it can drive people to express themselves in this case.Great job!
you are right we all have experienced loniness and joy this song fells like the swing from one to the other ...I like the smooth changes well done!
Beautiful music.
It is also a good rhythm changes. :D
So it so totally does sound like background music to loneliness. Good job with that. :) The intro bell is my favorite instrument and I think its the instrument that reminds me of loneliness. :D rate&fave
i really loved this intro, and the snapping is really......well..........snappy! 6.6 and that trumpet!! wow! you really outdid yourself on this one! (in a good way!) ;)
nice drum combo. i likes it :D
well played on the creative aspect. it really captures the lonliness of the entire song. cool synths and trance drums also
cngrats on a cool and masterful track.
Though I'm repeating what all others said: this song does indeed suggest loneliness. Good job in terms of that. :) I enjoyed the distorted, disorienting feeling at the end! Like you said, life is DEFINITELY confusing. (Like, sometimes I'm confused about my loneliness.) In any case, great piece. ^^ Rated!