Dreams created by princess2800 14 years ago

Plays: 42 Favorites: 3
Genre: Pop Mood: Love/Romantic Theme: Valentine

Love is acceptance
When you love someone,
you take them into your heart.
That is surely why it hurts so much
when we lose someone we love,
because we lose parts of ourselves.

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artimani - 12 years ago

...effects you choose are really great for the title and harmony of the song,we hear ancient,rustic and mystic everywhere,great work as usual.Cheers Artimani.

BLiNKS - 12 years ago

Great remix! Very unique mix of instruments. I could get lost in this one, too! :D rate+fave

MusicErona13 - 12 years ago

love it :)

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

thank you MusicErona! OEROE!

NevaNita - 12 years ago

I'm back!!!...LOVELY SOUND!!

Icedragon345 - 12 years ago

Could I remix this for another Time Warp? :D

Icedragon345 - 12 years ago

Sorry I haven't checked your STs but any way... This is great! I like the LIKE A BOSS intro with a sense of Hawaii guitars playing on the beach (That's just how I thought it sounded like). Then the weird xylophone thing came in sounding good for a 'Time Warp' again. The remix isn't going so well. anyway this is a great space scenery type ST if that was your goal. IX!

Abbb123 - 12 years ago

This song sounds really nice!! This song sounds awesome and I love all of the instruments!! Tremendous job!!! :D

Abbb123 - 12 years ago

Hahahaha!!! LOL!!

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

VERY nice to hear Abbbb! (one b to much, but you deserve one more, so you get one from me! LOL! )

Gladsome - 12 years ago

Great Remix, I was Hypergnostic crazy when i search this on google ! LOLOLOLOOREOROEO ! :)

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

I'm glad you did buddy! was it not wonderful? to feel Hypergnotic crazY !! LOL! it's the best way to be my friend! LET'S GET CRAZYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!iiiiii!!!!!!!

luana01 - 12 years ago

very good:)

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

Thank you my nice Belgium Italian Friend! Cheers, OEROE

HEBS - 12 years ago

good job as usual!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

thanks a billion HEBS! OEROE

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May 07 2012
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