For Pisky! The Master Of Strings created by leppylove 14 years ago

Plays: 245 Favorites: 20
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Happy/Excited Theme: Animation

This song is for you Pisky! Thanks for your support and inspiration/same taste in music!! Enjoy twin!

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brandonj1914 - 13 years ago

you miss bunn choo?

brandonj1914 - 13 years ago

nah idk whats happeningT_T she just told me she might not be on as muchTTTTT__TTTTT i misses chers!! o yeah...nvm..chuer funny

leppylove - 13 years ago

Haha I miss her too. Yes. Is she doing school stufF?

brandonj1914 - 13 years ago


leppylove - 13 years ago

Brandon! English man!

ekatotoro - 14 years ago

not bad at all

ekatotoro - 14 years ago

He should not to live here anymore
because Here is here
Here, we use what exists creating the music.
Leave him alone
Alone in his world.

IDragon76 - 14 years ago

it really was not necessary to say he should not live here anymore but overall i agree with you :)

lesliedoll - 14 years ago

yeah, never trust links from someone named, netspider. ahhhh

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

You're so ignorant. If this program or site is so "gay" then why are you on here? Oh right, because you have nothing better to do with your time, little boy. Why do you care if Michael Jackson stole music? I'm pretty sure many famous artist have stolen music (I'm not defending the acts of stealing) but i'm just pointing out that it's an issue that isn't taken lightly or that most people care about. Bottom line, Leppy didn't steal. Simple as that, stop posting links on her songs page. Completely

OhhKayy - 14 years ago


OhhKayy - 14 years ago

I don't post my instruments EVER! Just like many other artists, like leppy said "to protect their music" that's why. Would you like it if someone copied your song with the instruments you displayed? It's quite easy to do that if you're smart enough and have a good ear in where the instruments are set and playing in the song. You know, if you're gonna call Leppy artless and her songs artless.. might as well call us all artless considering we use the same program and instruments. IT isn't even

leppylove - 14 years ago

I don't like trollssss!!

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

I see, then most likely he's a troll. How ridiculous. I guess we can let him talk his frustrations out but if he crosses the line by saying something too extreme, I'll have some words to say -_____-

leppylove - 14 years ago

He doesn't have any music post on his page! No information about him whatsoever! What a confusing man... =,='

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

stated that this song is a remix. It's a dedication to her friend. You honestly have nothing better to do than bash on someone for the heck of it. People like you disgust me. IF you're having such a terrible day, don't take it out on innocent people. Okay?

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

I can't sit here and watch this! VVV
Yo netspider, leave leppy alone. She's a talented musician, and yes.. all the music here does sound similar since we use THE SAME PROGRAM! We just tend to change the tone of some instruments but they still sound similar to other songs people have made. It's easy to make a song sound the same, but it takes creativity to stand out. That's what Leppy has done in this song, it's hers, ORIGINAL! So back off of her. WHAT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE BESIDES YOU WRITING IN

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

Seriously! Me too.. and i only talk to Ford so i guess my input wouldn't matter or make sense :/

leppylove - 14 years ago

LOL! True story!! I just want everyone to hold hands and love each otherrrrrrrr!! I like them both so I won't get myself involved XD

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

OHH, yeah they're at peace now haha. It's fine, quite understandable :) But Ford and Flickermouse is a whole other story. I wouldn't want to be involving myself in their argument but i feel like making a dialogue in terms of their fighting cos music obviously is being mis-used (by ford) and won't be much of help. I donno though. I have too much to say! hah! Might be like 12 or 13 mins long!

leppylove - 14 years ago

ooo they are? I've been gone for a week. So I have no idea what's going on now with those two whoops!! My bad for saying anything!! sorry sorry sorry!! It shall never happen again X.x

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

Are you serious?! I thought Thienien and R3 were at peace! My goodness, it's never about the music anymore. Happens to great musicians.. they get caught up in the drama.

leppylove - 14 years ago

I agree it makes me sad. Especially sense he's just came out of the blue. It's crazy. Thanks for being a good musicshake friend! I'm just gonna ignore him completely. Thienien(sp)? and R3 are going at it too. I hate it when great artists get trashed on for no reason...

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

I donno. But i can't let you go through this. I've seen a lot of cyber bullying and/or bashing and i'm pretty darn sick of it. Including that whole Ford vs. Flickermouse deal. MusicShake shouldn't be a place for this kind of problems.

leppylove - 14 years ago

Nah, if he needs to continue to get it out of his system he can say what he wants I guess. Plus it'll help me not get offended. I've been trying to work on how to not get offended at what people say. I understand that I made him upset somehow. But that doesn't give me the right to bash or insult him back. I don't know if that made sense or not XD

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

Don't use bad words or name calling, cos it will provoke him to do the same and it will just keep going back and forth. I guess he wanted someone to blame, and it happened to you. Unfortunately. Like i said, flag his comments or don't reply to him, maybe he'll stop.

leppylove - 14 years ago

It's ok, I just don't understand these things... I did update my profile saying he's not a virus and apologizing on my behalf for that. Thanks Oohkayy, I needed more insight so I'm glad I'm not thinking I'm going crazy.

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

OH, just flag him.

OhhKayy - 14 years ago

CAPS IS THAT YOU SAID YOU DIDN'T LISTEN TO THIS SONG, YET HERE YOU ARE ACCUSING HER OF FRAUD? Woooow, get your facts straight kid. Secondly, don't be calling her names and disrespecting her. No artist likes this, how would you like it? Not one bit. So, relax first and learn to talk to people calmly and decently. You don't get anywhere with talking to people like that. Have a nice day. Sorry Leppy, i don't tolerate people like this so i HAD to say something.

IDragon76 - 14 years ago

Nice work Sis :)

IDragon76 - 14 years ago

I wonder how many times do i have to tell you that i'm a bro not a sis lol XD

leppylove - 14 years ago

Thanks sis!!! < 3

dougymo - 14 years ago

Nice work. Keep this up.

leppylove - 14 years ago

Thanks Dougymo!! Will do!

leppylove - 14 years ago

Thanks everyone!! Sorry for the late replies! Life has been crazy!

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Sep 09 2019
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