
Favorite genre

Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Jazz, Latin, Soul/Funk/Groove

Favorite artists

ukf dubstep/drum and bass chase n status linkin park arctic monkeys pendulum etc........ my a favret song is avsolute favret song at the momet is xKore - Need You feat. Zoe & Naomi (Centra Remix) chek it out

About me

chek out my numbered 1 song holing moon!/song?sn=130035
and my numbered 2 song clap!!!! in proved!/song?sn=131061
+ numbered 3 song no echo!/song?sn=91957

note i wot be verer activ 4 awiler be cos of in portintn exsams

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SkySora - 8 years ago


jaydee123 - 8 years ago

4* nice track but lacking in the energy and dynamism of safe sound, for me.

jaydee123 - 8 years ago

Sure, I have the same problem and the same mentality but it's nice to be noticed every once in a while. Thanks for the kind gesture of checking my songs in return. Peace in.

CreoleGold - 8 years ago

I try to let my fans come back. They don't check out my songs.
It's ok. Long as I have fun

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