Riding Down A Erupting Volcano While ... created by thebogleech 14 years ago
Plays: 8
Favorites: 1
Genre: Rock/Metal
Mood: Happy/Excited
Theme: Animation
Every time I've made a song, I say, this is going to be a hard rock song, but it always turns into happy techno with guitar riffs, this is my first official Hard Rock song ever!
(((O The Insidious Bogleech O)))
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Well Hallo Ladyturntable !! 'the lost Child has returned' !!! Haleluja! LOL!
Good to see youre Back at MS!! the Shake was not really the Shake WITHOUT YOU!!
But fortunaly we now are all rejoined WITH YOU!! LOL
Thanx for keeping me busy for the Night . reading all of your very Nice Comments!! LOL
You know, I was reading through my notifications weeks ago, and then I found your nice message about 'the Dark Tales' and your wish was a dark dedication? well..be careful what you wish for!OEROE!
OMG YOU MADE A SONG FOR ME?! AND I HAVENT BEEN HERE SONG LONG! im sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry i havent been with all you guys here, but i have had a really busy life. i wish i could have been here more! :( IM SO MAD! IM SO SORRY!!!!! FORGIVE ME!
*So long* not song long LOL XD
hay sorry toke me so long great song
i like the weird feel to it, great song x;)
Feeling which went to Tokyo Disneyland completely! It is the music which receives such touch.
wow very good music.. as always oeroe.. bravo my friend:)
good music, you make every day amazing songs
Awesome. Not to mention mystical! Great work! :D
Mystical and Magical....... Just Two words on the song I have heard. Good work Oeroe. Very nice use of those sound effects throughout the song, which mostly caught my interest! :D Good dedication to LadyTurntable.
lady M , Here is Oeroe again...I just got a responce from Julian, and he says He doesn't know wy....that was all...?
But anyway, glad to have been at your service...but it is already 6 in the morning here in Holland...And I have to see if my Bed is still there....LOL! speak to you later...or sooner...never know! byby!
Okay..I see Dark Star...Oh sorry..I mean Lady M ..LOL
I understand about the MS Fun...This reply of yours was also sent 5x..
But it is nice to get so many notifications! LOL
But anyway, I think Julian will respont to my call..I hope Otherwise 'we' have to look for him..LOL
Oh no that is the MusicShake notifications. The problem is that when someone replies a comment when there are 5 comments from you, it will reply to those comments as well. so you'll receive 5 notifications from me. and yeah... I deleted some comments earlier because I sometimes make spelling mistakes too. lol :D
Alright Lady M, But to be honest I think you have just a small problem with your computer, because I got your Replies about 11 times!! You have to run a scan I am afraight! Please check it, before you have got yourself in some kind of Virus Trouble
All right, thank you Oeroe. But the strange thing is, I never went to his page once, and I never did anything wrong on his page, So I was confused a little bit.
Lady M, I can post normal in his mailbox! But I did ask him if there was some problem, and if maybe he banned you by accident...because than you are not able to post in his mailbox! So I think he will give some kind of answer..!
Okay Lady M I got the message, and will be back in a minute!
Okay, I cannot comment on Julian5742's page for some reason, like his comment box is not there at all, are you able to comment on his page?
Yes off course Lady M ! Just tell me..
Oh Oeroe, can I ask you something?
Yes DarkStar..I know youre there....it is with an F.....Notifications...I knew it...LOL!
Thanx Lady M ! Yesterday I was reading through my notivications from a while back
and I happened to notice that I had missed out on a couple of comments...So I saw the message from Lady Turntable on 'the Dark Tales' in wich she told me here Fav Song was Dark Tales and she listened almost every day, & asked for a 'dark song' dedicated to her.....Well in my opinion you can't turn your good Fan's Down..could You?? LOL So this is how it finaly went...Fun to Do, this Nice Song! grtz. OEROE.
^^ u managed to post another one before me ,you fast i can say^^,anyway allmost done with you dedication i think u are gona like it , now to the music yes Spacy and mystical some nice effects or shall i say the master of effects , i am starting to enjoy more your music Oeroe^^ well done budy.
HI ancient11 you KNOW That's REALLY making my Day !! To read that you are starting to enjoy my songs! Because You always told my very honest you did not like all of this 'too Loud Music'..
! But you know Ancient...I knew from 'the beginning' that one Day You were gonna
change your mind....Because I make my Song from the Heart..! And when you do that, it will allways resonate with other people, even if they have a different taste of
music! You know make me Glad! and I really like your title!
what do you think calling it Oeroes 4 Dimenson ^^.