
Favorite genre

Rock/Metal, Electronic/Techno, Classical/New Age

Favorite artists

My favourite artists are Emerson, Lake and Palmer (ELP), Nazareth, Deep Purple, Black Sabbath, JS Bach, WA Mozart, GF Handel, Resphigi, The Animals, Carl Perkins, Cat Stevens and Abba. That's enough to indicate my tastes. I can't stand Elvis or Jackson.

About me

So. It says 'About me'.
I'm an antique but find talking to old gits rather boring. I don't mind people not liking the same music as me 'cos I probably don't like the same as them.
I hate those who are unkind to children and young people.
There's a lot more to me than that but I might update when I think of anything worth telling you about.
Okay so you want more. Don't say I didn't warn you.
I'm a World survivor. I've been shot 6 times, stabbed 4 times and blown up 3 times. I've survived crossings of the Namib, Sahara, Gobi and Atacama desert.
I've climbed to within 1100 ft of the top of Mt. Everest. I helped prevent an aircraft High-jacking.
I was a member of the Original 'Gobi Desert Canoe Club'. Not the rubbish pop group but the group of British Servicemen who kayaked in the Gobi desert. I could explain but I can't be bothered. If you really want to know just ask me and, at some point, I might get round to telling you.
I like Canadians as long as they speak English - none of that french cobblers.
I like Russians as long as they speak English.
One more thing with which you can't disagree.
My very good friend Jesse Brown. ( Jesse99 ) is the best. I wont let anyone argue.
You can't argue with the truth.

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coco31 - 12 years ago

Hello there fellow shakers... uhm if you have time or doing nothing, how about listen to my 3rd tracks collection "Dreams & Nighmares". I just finish it and I want to share it :))

From the title "Metal Walker to Nightmares"


Jyme - 12 years ago

Vitacca: http://eng.musicshake.com/song/211754

Vitacca is an all-strings piece that I've been working on from time to time for around 6 months. I'd appreciate it if you'd check it out! :)

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

New Fairy Tales! <#@@#> OEROE!

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

"RunniNG from HoMe" ! it can be scary..... OEROE!
"a Requiem for Love" a beautiful song, and "a differend site" of OEROE! LOL!

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