
Favorite genre
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Ballad, Jazz, Latin, Classical/New Age, Soul/Funk/Groove
Favorite artists
Primus (Les Claypool), Beats antique, KoRn, RHCP, Nirvana, Muse, SlipKnot, Linkin park, many more...
About me
My name is ? and I am ? years old. My hobbies are ?.
I would some day like to be in a hip hop band.
So fan if your a TRUE musicshaker!
Yours sincerely, sinbound (-:
Songs by S1nB0und (1) see all
Hyper Charged Musical Exploration Song : A Musical journey into Sound. Have Fun, and Enjoy the Ride !! OEROE.
BREAKING FREE !! the Ultimate Techno-Rock MusicShake !! Ass-Kickin' and In Your Face !! Enjoy this PowerMiX ! Cheers, OEROE!
GF0RCE This is a Hard Techno Song, with some Rock influences ! so get Wild, and blow your Speakers! LOL! OEROE:
This is my most loved song ever, so please show your support!
I DiD iT MY WAY !! This Rock Song is about Staying Who You are, and doing things in a way that's true 2 Yourself, no matter what!! Infact it is more like an autobiography of OEROE2911 !! Enjoy the song, and play it as loud as possible! Cheers, OEROE!
Proud2BLoud !
Oeroe's Birthday PowerRockMiX 2morrow , March 28th is my Birthday, and like each year I'm creating a "Special Birthday Song" !! So this is my "PartySong"4 this year, 2015 !! Enjoy and Let's have a Freakin' Wild Party !!!!! Cheers!!
THE GREYS ATTACK this techno song is about the alien greys, attacking the Earth. Get on board the F.O.S. ( Flying Oeroebird Ship) , and battle against them !! No Fear!
Enjoy! OEROE.
the Land of Make Believe this song is a RemiX of the Song "the Promised Land", which I created about 9 months ago! I felt the song needed just a little bit more magic, and than the song changed into the Land of Make Believe! LOL! I hope you will like it "overthere" !! Cheers, OEROE.
ST0RMTR00PERS PsyTrance this is a crazy and hyperfast techno/trance Song! it's a remix of an older song I created some years ago, called "take your MediCine" !
Enjoy and have Fun! OEROE
OEROE'S Symphonic Rock Overture I decided it was time 4 me to give one Song all the Mixing Skills and Love possible, and my intention with this is to inspire everybody to keep on creating their music, and most important that you all keep on trying 2 improve yourself with everything you do in your Life !! I hope you will Enjoy this Epic Symphonic Rock Song@! it's the ultime remix of the song "Wind and Wuthering" !