
Favorite genre


Favorite artists

Adam Young, Imagine Dragons, Mumford and Sons, Of Monsters and Men,

About me

Hola. I'm Adrien (you can call me Shine), and music is my constant companion. It plays in my head every second of the day and inspires me to create.

I'm a demisexual demi-dude and prefer the "it" pronoun; however he/him/his are also acceptable.

In addition to music, my passions also lie in visual art, creative writing, and animals. Personally, I am a furry, a brony, a daydreamer, and a collector of animals (both alive and dead). My favourite animas are the aardwolf, pudu, and red panda. I often identify myself as a multi-species wizard with the characteristics of these animals. Unicorns and zombies are pretty awesome, too.
Someday I hope to be an animator, a taxidermist, a storybook illustrator.

I'm not much of a people person, but I'm not rude. Feel free to contact me. laffinghyena@rocketmail.com or darklordshine@gmail.com I use both emails about equally.

Rainshine's favorites (1) see all
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oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

Going Back in Time : With this beautiful and Mysterious Song, I will take you back in Time! it will bring us to almost 4 years ago, when I created my most favorite Song, called "the Dark Tales" So come along, and enter this Mysterious Place, where those "little Dark Creatures' Live! Enjoy, OEROE!

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

Psychedelic Close Encounters : a psychedelic Eargasmic encounter with another species ! I started this technosong with a song that I made 2 years ago, called Hyperdimensions. I hope you will enjoy this strange encounter! OEROE.

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

the ERR0R in TiME (ShpongleliZed) this is a techno/latin "shonglelized " crossover version of the song "End Times Proph" , and it is dedicated to my friend and fellow shaker "Blanktown" . Enjoy this error in Time, and move those feet !! OEROE!

Jakio - 10 years ago


Sinner (a back to the basics remix) and the 2nd song off of my new E.P. Cause and Effect.
along with a story, enjoy this headbanging, synth remix whilst enjoy a good read.

thanks in advance

oeroe2911 - 10 years ago

The End Time Prophesy : This is THE End Time PropheSy, and This is what you can do with Musicshake !! and what I can do...So YOU can You !! believe in Yourself !! Enjoy this Epic Song!! Cheers, OEROE!

dweir18 - 12 years ago

very talented music :)

nonoman123 - 12 years ago

the meaning of love

Rainshine - 12 years ago

It was okay.

Jakio - 12 years ago

The Reasons Why. the 3rd track of my new album 'Inverted' This is my favorite rock song I've made, it's heavy, yet upbeat. i hope you enjoy it as well!!!!.

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