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nameddog - 12 years ago
it's a rock song!

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

MISSING YOU ! this RockSong is a remix of the original song "Aurora" created by the very talented fellow shaker Chris638 !! a shoutout to Chris, and if you have the time, check out his songs! I hope you will enjoy this Song! I did! OEROE

DJSilver - 12 years ago

Hey! whats up? DJSilver here, and I have a new song/ and finished album! YAY!!
Return of the time Knights:
and if you wanna check out my finished album, just look for the songs on my profile with the Defiance cover :D
-Thank you for your time

CAB1 - 12 years ago

please check these out
Quiet before the storm 2. a sequal to my 10th best song
stairway to heaven, a song inspired by led zeppelin and dedicated to a friend...

drowning in despair, a coleab with retexid about something terrible we all go through

Laurinikus - 12 years ago

This is my 300th song.

nonoman123 - 12 years ago

the world need peace

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