Variations on the Canon created by fukudo 17 years ago

Plays: 1,358
Favorites: 0
Genre: Other
Mood: Etc
Theme: Other
ELO = Electric Light Orchestra!
Hope you enjoy and good luck everyone:)
Other songs by fukudo see all
Nice disk, Awesome monkey, great music ;D
Not much more to tell
-Thumbs up-
Waves white flag*
Wow...blesssed by Karma:)..thanks....John, thanks to you too...Kaminski, sad you have decided to withdraw, your entry was neat, sin..the answer is everyone that has listened..thank you:)
awesome, and thumbs up 4 the drumming monkey!
good luck!
= )
trumpets!! amazing xD
I sincerely hope that this or Metalman's entry wins this contest:)
Hey fukudo, you gonna put in another entry?, everyone else including myself have one or is still way cool!
Hey bud! I just came back to listen to this song again, darn descent.
Also, I made my version of the Cannon In D, for the event. Please go and check it out, don't forget to Add it to your Favorites and Rate it ;) Am quite sure you'll like it, at least someone will, anyways. Go check it out!
This has got to be one of the best Remixes I've heard, I just love it personally :D
Hey thanks and same to you hey I think u should check out mine it is pretty good your friend metalman had already check on it if u do leave comment sayin how u like it.