A Future Unknown (I) created by karma5 18 years ago

Plays: 268 Favorites: 1
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Dark/Heavy Theme: Other

Part I: A Future Unknown

When an end to war seems unforseen...

Part II: An Uncertain Hope
Part III: A Bittersweet End
Part IV: Epilogue (In Memoriam)

**History of the Song: This was my first 'experiment' with the MS program. I originally had a different mood of war in mind, something more gritty and rage-filled. But as I was making it, old pictures and film footage of the World Wars came to my mind for some reason. (Those images remained with me as I went on to create more songs in the 'War Stories' series, always reflecting back to this song somehow in parts II-IV) To this day, I still think it was my subconscious or just plain luck that I chose the instruments that I did when I was initially messing around with the song because each one sounded like they fit so well together by the end of the process. There honestly weren't any more or less instruments that I initially chose when making it from scratch. I have favorite parts to all my songs, even if I may not like how the whole song turned out. For this song, the part where it's just the pizzicato and the string for a brief part is my fave, leading into the 'nervous string.' And the church bell effects became significant in the series because they came to symbolize a warning of danger as well as represent death; doom in the aftermath of war.**

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Deathmint - 13 years ago

It's amazing how much potential is apparent in a first piece, and hearing it refined later on. Is it odd that I find the title somewhat ironic for yourself as a shaker too?

krushnamurti - 14 years ago

Not a bad first track yourself there. ;) Nice builds & breaks throughout. I enjoyed it!

89Ford - 15 years ago

it's definitely elite!

dewill5 - 17 years ago

KARMA!!!! Im back!!! Ive made New Songs for the celebration of me back in Action! And looks like ur Still making Awesome Music and showing off ur talent Good Job ;)

JHits86 - 17 years ago

This is song is point especially the marching and bells and strings really brings it out very good thanks for the feedback i'm still workin still tryna make things happen ya boy J AIR =) Peace!

karma5 - 18 years ago

Thanks, folks = )

dimre01 - 18 years ago

Very nice.
Conveys the message of war really well.

michweldz11 - 18 years ago

nice song,,i think its pretty sweet,,check out some of my songs like "Forgetting" or "Hands Up!",and let me know what u think

karma5 - 18 years ago

Thanx, rtc...I'm just glad these songs r getting some love. Even w/ my current songs in "the list", it's these four tracks in this series that I'm most proud. If anyone was to ask, "What can karma5 do?" -- I'd point them to this series to answer their question lol woot back at u, rtc = )

rtctdg2000 - 18 years ago

hehe well i gues i can say they insprired me :P this song is great! mines more of message tho.. i mean in Description form :P i wrote alot on there LOL nice song!! woot woot!!

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