Note to Self{Suicide isn't the answer} created by sobelash 11 years ago

Plays: 58 Favorites: 8
Genre: Classical/New Age Mood: Cool/Refreshing Theme: Animation

This is a note to myself or to anyone else who needs it,suicide isn't the answer.

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CircusMaid - 11 years ago

Beautiful, just beautiful. The E.P sounded very well, and the piano is magical. The strings were very well, too. The title and the description is super beautiful, I should think like you xD This song really touches your heart, somehow. Lately I've been feeling a bit sad for some problems I've been having, but this song made my day. I hope good luck to you, you and your songs are awesome. Very well done! :)

sobelash - 11 years ago

Dude I triple dog dare you to make a Deadman Wonderland song.Do you know how bad I would fangirl?I would like vomit on my self if you did that.Just saying.

CircusMaid - 11 years ago

It's not fair. I can't make my Anime songs without the picture. I mean, it would be stupid to make "Deadman Wonderland" and in the picture appears a dice.
It's like... they can add more instruments, chords and more features... but NO! ._.

sobelash - 11 years ago

Yeah everyone has that problem.I think that's extremely dumb.

CircusMaid - 11 years ago

By the way, Is it me or you cannot user pictures from your PC anymore? o-o

sobelash - 11 years ago


CircusMaid - 11 years ago

Boo... that's too bad. I'll just keep waiting until your return then. I hope you can get back soon.

sobelash - 11 years ago

It saddens me that I won't be on the computer for a while.For amazing people like you.

sobelash - 11 years ago

Thank you.

CircusMaid - 11 years ago

That's so sweet, I'm glad that I can help you motivate a little. I think that's the least I could do, because in my opinion you're a wonderful person. Do not let that stupid things ruin you day. Continue expressing your feelings with music, I'd like to keep listening all of your beautiful songs.

sobelash - 11 years ago

Since you gave me a paragraph I will do the same.Thanks for complimenting my mind and most of my songs.Your compliments really help me and motivate me to do better in everything.You make me feel better about myself.I really haven't been happy this summer via last summer.I am known to hold things in,so my mom told me to admit things that happen.You just brought me 2 steps closer to doing just that.Thank you so very much.I'll always remember you as CircusMaid.

NewKidd - 11 years ago

Loved it! Well done!

sobelash - 11 years ago


felixa - 11 years ago

Hermoso!! :D

felixa - 11 years ago


sobelash - 11 years ago

gracias un montón, es español el único idioma que puede hablar?

ChaoticCandy - 11 years ago

Beautiful song, and I totally agree with your message. It is definitely not the answer. If anything, it'll just create even more problems. Live for yourself, not for the others around you. Or at least thats what I always tell myself :P 5 stars though! :D

ChaoticCandy - 11 years ago

Anytime :P I'm happy to be a friend :D

sobelash - 11 years ago

It's good to know I have real friends.

ChaoticCandy - 11 years ago

Yep! :D

sobelash - 11 years ago


ChaoticCandy - 11 years ago

Of course I am! :D

sobelash - 11 years ago

Hey candy,are you my friend?

ChaoticCandy - 11 years ago

You're welcome :)

sobelash - 11 years ago

I like that motto,I should say that to my self more.Thankyou.

RinLuv - 11 years ago

So beautiful! Talking to the people! Speaking from the heart

sobelash - 11 years ago


Sefen - 11 years ago

LOVE IT !!!!!!!! the piano is just amazing !!!

sobelash - 11 years ago


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Aug 28 2017
Jun 16 2014
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