Lust created by Jakio 11 years ago

a Good thank you to you all for reading and or checkin out my work`!!
Chapter 7 Something’s Wrong
I slowly released my grip on the bed rail. So scared to do anything else, I focus completely on my hand. And then I let go entirely. And hand faded back to the blue/white glowing.
“uh doc, what the HELL!?” I said puzzled. “ Touch something else, like this pen!!” he handed me his pen. My hand turned into a hard plastic, yet I could still bend my fingers. We looked at each other again. I gave him his pen back. “Doc, what we going to do about this?”
“We need to keep this concealed, no one must find out about this or, or- well you get the point. Here take this glove, it’s a temporary solution I’ll visit you when I have a better one.” He walked over to me and handed me a winter glove. I slipped it on and the glow didn’t shine through. “aren’t people going to think I’m weird for having one glove?” I looked at him. He smiled “well probably, if anyone asks tell them you injured your hand badly and the glove helps protect it, cause it’s sort of true.” I just shrugged and got up from the bed. I looked at it and laughed. The matress and pillow had black scorch marks up and down it.
“Well thanks again, doc, but I think I should go home before everyone thinks I died” he cracked a smile. “Remember, the less people who know about this situation, the better, anyone could turn you in, even your friends” I stopped at the door and looked at him “Why didn’t you?” he stopped what he was doing. “I’ve seen things, Mr Warren, I’ve overheard conversations coming from General Campbell’s room and the control station, There’s something else going on here, the last thing I need is more attention brought to myself when there are so many sick. It’s seems as if we are short a doctor”
“Yeah” I said to myself as I left the Medical Ward, thinking about Maria, and how she would’ve been that missing doctor.
When the elevator arrived on the 7th floor, the hallway was filled with troopers armed and watching everyone closely.
As I exited the elevator a soldier I recognized from section 1 walked up to me “Hello Private Warren. I need to ask you some questions”
I stopped him “What’s this about, why are all these soldiers here?” I also noticed they were the only soldiers from section 1. “We have reason to suspect that someone is going to compromise our missions and destroy the Ursa” I jerked my head back in surprise. “What? Why? You got to be kidding!!” the soldier’s expression stayed serious “Someone has been spying on us, but he manages to elude us for the time being” I shook my head, “Sorry, this is the first I’ve heard about this. If you don’t mind I’m going to my room to get some rest” I lunged past him and walked to my room, not daring to look back. Once I got inside I quickly shut my door and locked it. I turned around and jumped. “General Campbell, sir!! What the Hell are you doing in my room?”
He took his hand and wiped it across my table and lifted it up and looked at it. “Helios, do you know what this is?” I shrugged “Dust?” “”Dust” he repeated “Dust collects when something sits dormant for a while without being disturbed, and Helios there’s dust on a lot of things in here, that means you haven’t been in your room, where have you been?”
“Uh…… The Medical Ward” I replied “why does that matter? Does that have to do with the spy?”
“Spy? How- How did you find out about that? It’s classified?” Campbell said startled, he walked up to me and got in my face “How did you find out about that?”
“A soldier in the hallway told me” I replied, backing myself away from him. “Helios, what soldier?” he walked over to my door unlocked it and opened it. “the hallway is empty” I shoved him aside and looked out into the hallway, no soldiers, no people, completely empty “But-“ “Helios!! Ursa’s been on lockdown for 4 days, nobody has left there room!! That is except for you”
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