Game of Death created by Kirigaya 11 years ago
Plays: 59
Favorites: 10
Genre: Rock/Metal
Mood: Cool/Refreshing
Theme: Animation
Welcome to the game of death....
Wear headphones and turn up the volume!! :D
.:K I R I G A Y A:.
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Splendid as always! I liked the E.P a lot, also the guitars were awesome. I just don't know how to describe how awesome/splendid/amazing/great this song is!
Very nice intro! :D
not bad.
Very good intro and beautiful song !! ☺
I have to agree with ShadowxNaru, the intro was awesome! First off I love the fast pace in the intro. And the guitars were awesome! Would have loved to hear a longer version of this! Great work! :D
Hah, not even 20 seconds into the song and i love the intro you did just omg, can this get any better, leaves me speechless
Also the synth was amazing and the Moderate E.P could've been turned down just a little!~