Erosion created by Jakio 11 years ago

Chapter 5 is here!
IMPORTANT! The story will not makes sense if you don't read the previous chapters, and feel free to listen to the songs too, :)
Chapter 5 Monceto
*BEEP! BEEP! BEEP* The sirens were blaring loudly. I jumped up to see a message on my TV. The message said all soldiers should report to the Dock immediately. I ran over to my closet. A bunch of clothes piled out. “Come on, Come On!!” I dug through the pile of clothes and stumbled across my armor. I hurriedly put them on, punched in my gun safe’s combo and grabbed my rifle. I burst out my door and started sprinting down the hallway. Everyone else was peeking there heads out of their rooms to see what was going on and other soldiers were running towards the emergency shaft. As I made my way down the shaft in between all the other soldiers, I heard some trying to talk with others to see if they knew what was going on. Nobody knew. I Finally arrived at the dock along with the last of the others, and there we saw that General Campbell was on the big screen.
“All soldiers get to your sections and await further instructions.” I ran over to section 05 and met with the other troops. “Anyone at all Know what the hell is the emergency?” I asked expecting to get a bunch of ‘I don’t know’ s when Griffin said “I Believe we are arriving at a planet” the others look at him “Shut up Griffin, that’s stupid, it’s been 8 years since we found one, and the last one sucked” Louis spatted. I smacked Louis. “Don’t remind us, maybe he’s right”
Then General Campbell came upon the big screen again. “alright Soldiers, its been a long time waiting but we found another planet to explore, this time it’s Monceto. An Advisor will come around and explain to you what your Section’s objective is. And soldiers some advice, don’t try to mess with anything or any creature that doesn’t seem civilized. Good Luck!” and the screen went black.
“told you Louis! You owe me now” Griffin Smirked. Louis flipped him off “I don’t owe you shit, you just guess lucky” A woman ran over to us, carrying a folder. Louis grabbed it. “Ok guys in that folder is everything you need to know.” She stopped and turned to me and winked “Good Luck” she then ran over to the next group.
“ooh Warren you have a lover” mocked Ken. “Dude shut up” I said, looking over Louis’ shoulder. “Louis whats it say?”
Louis shoved all of us away, “Chill guys I got this” he straightened his back and cleared his throat. “Ahem, our mission today fellas is….what? Dammit!!”
“what? What is it Louis?” Ken asked attempting to grab the paper out of his hand. Louis shoved Ken back and Griffen snatched the paper. “Aha!! Our mission guys is to, guard the ship. Great.” Griffin gave the paper back to Louis.
“well everything happens for a reason, right Warren?” Ken said as he nudged me. I frowned at him. Then suddenly the airlock hissed as the big docking door opened. The first section ran out the door and out onto Monceto. The light seeping in was extremely bright and made it hard to see. As our section made our way to the door a thick moist air came sweeping in. Ken coughed “what’d we do land in a swamp?” when we got out the ground was all sticky and covered in some moss like material and the surrounding was filled with tree like plants. This was our first time outside Ursa in 8 Years.
“Holy crap man it’s so- swamp like!” Griffin said. Louis face-palmed “well, THANK YOU Captain Obvious!!” I walked over to a tree-like plant. It was a green blue color and it stood up from the ground and branched out like a tree. “Man I’m too nervous to touch anything.” I said. And I walked back to the ship.
A few hours later. The four of us were just sitting there, on the foot of the Ursa waiting and waiting. “Man this SUCKS!!!! Louis remarked. “we finally get to a planet and we get suck guarding the ship!!! Arnt you guys curious what’s out there? Just imagine what life lives here, or if theres more than just fucked up color swamp? You know what?” “Louis… Don’t even” I warned, “You know what? Im leaving!! I gotta see whats out there!!” he got up strapped his gun to his back and started walking, I got up. “Louis get back here!! Our orders were to guard no to mosey around in an unknown world!!” he stopped, snickered, then blew up with laughter, “Warren, you were always so uptight, Do this, don’t do that, your doing that wrong, yada, yada yada. You are surely one to talk, oh Mr. Mope around about your dead girlfriend for 2 weeks. I bet she was ugly” by this time my hands and teeth were so tightly clenched that I was sure they were going to break. “Take that back!!!!!NOW!!!!” Louis chuckled, “only if you catch me” and he took off into the swamp. Blind with rage I sprinted after him. “LOUIS!!!!!” I ran through all the trees and shrubs and goop so fast that my lungs couldn’t keep up, my sides started burning up. I was so mad that I wasn’t going to let Louis get away with it. I could hear over my constant slopping Ken and Griffin’s shouting “Warren!!! Louis!!! Come on Guys!!”
Then I flung forward and landed on this hard surface. My knee was killing me. I looked at my right hand. It was scratched open and started to bleed. I looked up to see a large open area with black rocks everywhere. And there stood Louis all Frozen with shock. I got up to him and asked “what are you looking….” My voice trailed off as I gazed upon this blue marble- like sphere stuck in the ground. “What do you think it is?” he asked. I was at a loss for words. The orb was massive probably 5 or 6 feet in diameter, and was blue/white swirled like a marble. As if we were little kids seeing a big toy or something desireable he slowly crept closer. The black charcoal like rock underneath us crackled with every step. We were about 10 feet away from this massive blue orb when Louis stopped. “ok Warren I take it back, I just wanted to get away from the ship.” I shook my head. He look at me for a second “do you think it’s alive?” he started to reach for it I jumped and grabbed him arm “ARE YOU CRAZYjQuery172025627125962637365_1400852149034!! IT COULD KILL YOU!!!!” I yelled. Then the ground beneath us started to shake and giant cracks in the black rock formed. The blue orb started to glow. Then it started to float. “OH SHIT MAN OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT!!!” Louis screamed as he stumbled back. I couldn’t look away. It was so beautiful and majestic. Louis started shaking me “Warren We need to go!!” I looked at him. I could see the fear in his eyes. He let go of me and started to run back. I then too started to run back but I stumbled over a protruding rock. I landed on my hand again this time ripping a cut in the wrist. “AW!!” I screamed. The pain in my hand was excruciatingly bad. I looked at my hand and all the blood gushing out. Then Louis Grabbed me from the back and helped me up. Then he ran. The orb then zipped right after him. Louis stumbled a little and looked back in terror. His eyes widened as he saw the orb coming for him. I panicked I looked around for something to throw at it, nothing. I then felt myself leap forward and shove Louis out of the way. He landed into the swamp. I turned my head just to see the orb heading towards me. I raised up my hands to protect myself the best I could. Then I felt a cold feeling come over me, then all my muscles tensed like I was being electrocuted then I collapsed and my mind started to go and everything faded away.
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