Save The Last Dance For Cage created by notdabees34 12 years ago

Plays: 10 Favorites: 0
Genre: R&B Mood: Happy/Excited Theme: Other

THis'ns fur da ladies

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JediNica - 13 years ago

I'll just be plain and simple this time: Freaking awesome. 'Nuff said.

Thienien - 13 years ago

Thanks a bunch. Sadly this generation deserves this song's title.

ClayZsorrre - 13 years ago

This song blows my mind Thienien, Great job!

IDragon76 - 13 years ago

I'm Shocked about the amount of work you put in this song Mr. Thienien. Lost and Grim i think of it as a feeling of Sorrow and the lost soul and dark elements of the song. Mr. Thienien you should can make an amazing Masterpiece ^_^

Thienien - 13 years ago

lol alright i'll accept it then.

IDragon76 - 13 years ago

well just to show respect i should call you mister

Thienien - 13 years ago

Lol, well put You don't need to call me mister though i'm only 21 :D
Thank you

CarpeNoctum - 13 years ago

The beginning truly does feel very lost and desolate. I think you feel more of the "grim" part at 1:25 when that bell (?) comes in. Overall, you really portrayed those feelings so well.

Thienien - 13 years ago

at 1:25 it's a synth E.P or Electric Piano. Puts the mood where it needs to be in dark music. Sounds like a combo of a bell and organ however. Anyway, Thanks glad you enjoyed it

TheAncient1 - 13 years ago

Very nice Thienien very epic , i really liked the way of the ele guitar coming in , and dont wory what other say , music is to listen enjoy remeber the world is full of people with negativity like jelosy but that dosent mean that we have to get in the same level , make your music enjoy it and be proud .All the best .

Thienien - 13 years ago

I appreciate your words, Peace man and thanks.

thekoolgirl - 13 years ago

Wow, this is epic and amazing. It's so full of awesomeness I wish I could give this more than 5 stars.

thekoolgirl - 13 years ago

lol xD

Thienien - 13 years ago


Thienien - 13 years ago

That would be like dividing by zero in Musichshake logic

leppylove - 13 years ago

Song= BOSS! Like I already told you, seriously one of your best!!!!!!!!!!!

Thienien - 13 years ago

I'd be really amazed Liz. Beyond amazed thanks for supporting me. :)

leppylove - 13 years ago

One day, I will create an insanely awesome sound just like this, except not like this if you know what I mean? Cause then that'd be stealing, and stealing is bad. Haha okies I'm done and for realz gonna sign off now!! La la la la!! Keep it up Thienien glad you are back on MS!!

Doodletones - 13 years ago

DAMN! reminds me of a clearer version of Jynx's music OoO

SuzyDoodle - 13 years ago

how? its just orchestral rock. Granted similar to my style, it is not. But I love the picture... ~Jynx

Ouranos - 13 years ago

Excellent orchestration! I like it.