The getaway created by princeX3ZAG 12 years ago

Plays: 8 Favorites: 1
Genre: Hiphop Mood: Longing/Anticipating Theme: Movie

Everybody come on!

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jayden205 - 13 years ago

that's a win right there ^.^

leppylove - 13 years ago

^_^ Thanks Jayden!

ShadowofLife - 13 years ago

Nice dedication to Ford. I agree wholeheartedly to the suggestion that both sides should just stop. Both sides are guilty and had done more damage than intended.

leppylove - 13 years ago

ooooo just saw this comment!! Thanks SL! Sorry for the late replies. I'm trying to be better about them :D

R3ISBACK - 13 years ago

leppylove - 13 years ago

Audiotool? I tried, but it's so difficult to understand!

R3ISBACK - 13 years ago

Wanna use the software? :D

leppylove - 13 years ago

hey! Post on my pro page silly!

thekoolgirl - 13 years ago

This song is great, I Like it! Hopefully your song helps bring peace on Musicshake.

leppylove - 13 years ago

I'm doing fabulous! Glad things are well for you :D My day is good, my best friend came to visit me in Copenhagen. She leaves tomorrow T_T But it was so good to see her!

thekoolgirl - 13 years ago

You're welcome ^__^ and I'm doing great, thank you for asking! And you? How is your day going? :)

leppylove - 13 years ago

Me tooo!!! How are you KG???? Thanks for the likes/fave ^__^

Technoking55 - 13 years ago

Although i was not here when all of this happened... and now im finding out i don't like when this stuff happens it just brings negativity. I really liked the song TK>

leppylove - 13 years ago

Thanks TK! It's ok, things are dying down now. Hopefully XD

IDragon76 - 13 years ago

I wonder how did this awesome Community turn to sh** i love this site and i though this Community will be the best but i guess not :(
Anyways i like the song :/

leppylove - 13 years ago

Ha. That's what I'm sayin! Thanks for liking the song! I'm hoping things will go back to the way they used to be! A chill atmosphere!

ABITE - 13 years ago

i agree with oeroe we don't need any of this and it is great here that we might as musicshake be coming around i like the song too

ABITE - 13 years ago


leppylove - 13 years ago

< 3 Thanks Abite!!!!!!

Mafty - 13 years ago

Ha, ha hot! Songs punchy than Mark's funny! XD

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

WISELY SPOKEN LEP !! I totallY AgrEE with your Words! We really don't NEED it, and don't
WANT "another War' on Musicshake <@@> !! It is SAD enough to have all these damn Wars all over this Globe, and if we really want to live in peace, WE Should be STARTING to live in PEACE
with each other FIRST !! People that can make this NICE Music, must be on a certain spiritual level, to KNOW that this Negative Energy is effecting everyone, BUT especially THEM SELVES!
NoW I will listen to the Song LOL

leppylove - 13 years ago

I know right?! Thanks Oeroe! I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks so! ^_^

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

LEP, the Song sounds JUST like your Words! Wise and Clear, and....PeaceFul !!
RespecT OEROE! <@@> !!

LadyMinerva - 13 years ago

This is a really nice song Liz! I really don't understand why this thing keeps going... It's hard to believe that a complaint for a song that reached 30,000 plays [which was 2 years ago] would end up into a flame war. That was one of the sparks I've notice before I visited MusicShake. There were probably other causes, but this one was the biggest event I saw...

leppylove - 13 years ago

Same here! It's so annoying! Wow that's crazy, 2 years went by already eh? I'm just gonna ignore that chaos my comment on the song DBL did is still blowing up my notifications. I wish people would just stop responding to him and his nonsense!

LadyMinerva - 13 years ago

And seriously, people who really don't know the situation accurately should really back off. I've seen people purposely getting themselves into these fights [i.e. making a song about them, and saying to stop/calm down] and then next thing you know they want to get out of it.

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