Paper Ponies Vs. Chrysalis created by StarShooter 12 years ago
Plays: 185
Favorites: 8
Genre: Classical/New Age
Mood: Passionate/Hot
Theme: Game
Another little songs series that I am doing. There are going to be 3 in total. The Ponies Anthology III with Paper Ponies opening inspired me to do music for the villians Chrysalis, Discord and Sombra due to nostalgia overload. First one Paper Ponies Vs. Chrysalis.
Other songs by StarShooter see all
Fairy-tale work. Great.
Thank you so much!
Great song! I was searching around if my music player stopped but it turned out to by your song!Lol, great!
Wow, thank you so much! :3
Very nice, I like it a lot. Keep up the good work! 0u0
Thank you so much! :D
muy buena!!!
it has a certain happy tone to it! makes me giddy ;) paper ponies vs. chrysalis
lol thank you so much!
Excellent job my friend! High Five! Love it, OEROE!
Thank you so much, OEROE!
Thank you very much! :D
has a good beat! :)
Thank you so much!
Awesome !:) 3
Thank you!