I REMEMBER YOU created by davidk 12 years ago

Plays: 40 Favorites: 8
Genre: Rock/Metal Mood: Cool/Refreshing Theme: Other


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scootch2 - 12 years ago

dont baby it.....ROCKet like its meant 2 B. and this 1 IS. good use of your warp drive. *****

davidk - 12 years ago

yeah!!!! that's what i needed to read. lol. thanks. glad you enjoyed it. thanks for taking time to listen and comment.

TopCharter - 12 years ago

Early comment, heh?

davidk - 12 years ago

wouldn't worth listening to. well thanks for the first comment then.

davidk - 12 years ago


oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

SO DAVID...I see you have been a busy BEE !! Did I see 3 new ones, or am I hallucinating again,,,! this is anyway for real ( I think...) and it does sound fresh and it's Rock, with a great beat behind it! I like this one a lot, and I think it's a good way to stay in ballance, to create a Rock song between all these Techno vibes! High Five buddY! OEROE

davidk - 12 years ago

i remember that Lmfao. oh Shit that had me rolling. still laughing at it. now that you brought it back to my memory. lol.

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

Yes Where is that freakin Button?? LOL@! I know one thing, you made me already search for it for hours, after you did post that funny message about finally they gave us "the BUTTON" !! LOL!@

davidk - 12 years ago

yes this site could be quiet the hobby once one has established a fan base. keeping up with all those babies can be a chore. we need developers to make that damn send to all fans button. where in the Hell is our button.

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

you got that right man, I have been doing a song everyday for over a year, and I think I can go on for quite some time... just experiment with differend combinations, and every song will be unique ! I always look at it , by comparing it with people on this planet, they have not had an update for a long time, but still every day unique babies are born all over the world! LOL !

davidk - 12 years ago

balance is a must. and no your not having hallucinations. bummer i know...trying to make up for time lost while trying to remain original and fresh. kinda hard to do on a site that's been here for years and no update to the sound banks in years but there is plenty of sounds i have not used yet.

kirky - 12 years ago

It rockin' ROCKS!!!-))....as the lady said : YEEEAAAAAAAHHH!

davidk - 12 years ago

!,,! rock on my friend. thanks for listening and taking time to give me feedback.

LadyFawkes - 12 years ago


davidk - 12 years ago

i take it that you enjoyed it a little. thanks for the comment and taking time to listen.

89Ford - 12 years ago

this is freaking new yes!!!!!!!!!! =D awesome rock

davidk - 12 years ago

yeah took a break from a bunch of synths so they would remain somewhat fresh to me. wanted more harder sounds but gave up the search. i know the synth sounds a little better than the metal guitar. tthanks for the listen and feedback. glad you liked it.

nonoman123 - 12 years ago

nice rock

davidk - 12 years ago


Chart listings
Jul 01 2013
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