We Made It! - Dueling Guitars created by CVines08 17 years ago

Plays: 123 Favorites: 0
Genre: Other Mood: Soft/Quiet Theme: Other

Titled so as to represent a person(s) who finally made it through their longstruggle. I am not big on ballads, so honestly I am not sure whether this is good or not. But, whether it be good or bad, I sure enjoyed creating it. Any comments/suggestions are appreciated. =D

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CVines08 - 17 years ago

It is not quite like dueling banjos. Sorry for the misleading title. LOL. I do have two different guitars going back and forth though. Just not the exact "dueling" I think it should be. Thanks!

89Ford - 17 years ago

sweet song.
But i dont hear the dueling guitars part. >.>

CVines08 - 17 years ago

Thank you! =D

STiLLz - 17 years ago

i like, i like :D *thumbs up*

CVines08 - 17 years ago

Thank you very much. I think I'll will put more work in the up-coming pieces. I'll go for quality over quantity. =D

fukudo - 17 years ago

Overall, I like the tranquility of this song, and as Verandure mentioned,this is the best of all the songs you posted up today. I think you have chosen a good drum beat to go with the guitars. Keep posting them up:)

CVines08 - 17 years ago

HAHAHA. Ok, I just didn't want to offend any "sensitive" people. Lol. Thanks again!

Verandure - 17 years ago

You calling me a girl?! (Just kidding, I am in the catagory of guys', you shouldn't have to worry about that anyways) As for support, I think you've gotten a ton better just in the short period you've been submitting songs today. I'm not a huge fan of beatboxing.. So I didn't really enjoy your first one, and they've gotten more and more enjoyable as they went, this one being the most so. Again, keep it up!

CVines08 - 17 years ago

Thanks alot for the comment. I really appreciate you guys' (no gender implications inteded by that) tips and encouragement. I enjoy creating these sooo much. Thanks for the support.

Verandure - 17 years ago

To be honest, I was expecting some sort of modern rendition of "Dualing Banjos", however; this IS very well made and I enjoyed listening. That into guitar sounds a little rushed for this specific song, but it still works well. Like I posted in "Happy Always" I enjoy songs that arn't too newage or complex, and like in "Hesperos" I enjoy a classic-like song overlaying a steady drum.

For this being your 'first' day, you're on a roll! Keep it up!

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