FULL CIRCLE 'End of the SpeLL' !! created by oeroe2911 13 years ago

Plays: 121 Favorites: 14
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Warm/Comforting Theme: Other

Today is ONE YEAR ago, that I started to create Music on Musicshake! And this is Song Number 365 ! So for each day a song, from which 329 chart listings. Although it seems like I have been "shaking" for years ! LOL! I want to tell you, that it has been a great experience for me, and a year ago, I could not have dreamed to create all these songs! I met a large number of very creative, and wonderful friends, here on Musicshake, and that's an experience that I did not have wanted to miss for all the money in the world! I will keep on creating songs on musicshake, for as long I'm having fun in doing this, but I can't promisse you, it will be 'a Full Circle' next year!! LOL! I hope you all will enjoy this "FULL CIRCLE, the End of the SpeLL' !! OEROE!


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artimani - 12 years ago

Congratulations , hope inspiration to create music never stops,cheers Artimani.

DarkStar1O9 - 12 years ago

Late congrats, but gratz! :D

oeroe2911 - 12 years ago

thanks dark star! better late than never man! appreciated! OEROE

Jumelax - 13 years ago

Hello oroe super song !!!

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

thanks Jume! OEROE

bluelightnin - 13 years ago

nice song man.... again

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

thanks friend! OEROE

BLiNKS - 13 years ago

Great song for a great occasion! You're an awesome shaker and I have no idea why I just started listening to your music. :D Keep on shaking dude! rate+fave

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

better late, than never friend! LOL! OEROE

HEBS - 13 years ago

great work!!!!!!!!!!!!

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

thanks HEBS!!! grts OEROE!

Tiro - 13 years ago

Oeroe2911, so you have to make 2911 songs!

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago


Gerajet - 13 years ago

coool as always oeroe2911 lets go for the 2911 songs

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

thanks man! way to GOOOOOOO !! OEROE

Gladsome - 13 years ago

LOLOLOL ! At the middle of the desc, I though you leaving MS......Cannot believe it !

bUT kNOW YOU WILL BE HeRe To EnD Of Your LiFe ! :)

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

LOLOLOL! You got that RIGHT buddY!! We will NEVER surrender!! Fight for your RiGHT!! We will set this place on FIRE!!!!!!!! thanks for the AwEs0Me C0MmEnT !!! OEROE

Zumalone - 13 years ago

Your music makes people loved and I'm one of them, 5 star for you and more: D

oeroe2911 - 13 years ago

I am really very happy to hear that from you , and you are very sweet! I am really glad t see you again making your songs again, and I hope you're feeling happy by it! thanks a lot for your very nice comment, and have a wonderful day! OEROE!

Chart listings
May 20 2013
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