the WinneR Takes it ALL ! created by oeroe2911 13 years ago

Plays: 88
Favorites: 12
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Longing/Anticipating
Theme: Get Well
If people act with HonnOR and ResPECT for other people, and just be truthful and willing to create their one HappineSS, no matter if they are down on the Ladder, then they will get it ALL in the END! > OEROE!
Other songs by oeroe2911 see all
hello so sry i havent been around. i seem like a bum, right?
hater alert hater alert!!!!!!
... just keep on doing what you like, because we already know how great artist you are ,and we can learn a lot from your songs,greetings Artimani
thank you artimani! than I have very special song just finished, and I really like it a lot myself! I think you will love it. I post it on your page, please let me know what you think about this new song! greetings OEROE!
Pretty nice song :D
I am NOT one of those loosers your talking about cuz I give this song.. a 5 star rating :) <3 The winner does take all in the end!
Ohh.. opps sorry! (:
Oh...and by the way,,, forgot to ffffffFFFFFFAV/////////vvvvv the song.......(((((({{{{{{{{lol}}}}}}}}}}))))))))) @@
I already told you ...youre the BEST!! and F... the REST! LOL! ( sorry I don't know what came over me....) thank you harjoy! ( I ment harjot...LoL! )
thank you nonoman! OEROE!
Haters gonna hate. Fortunately, im not a hater. This song gets a 5!
That's right my friend! thanks for the comment, and the stars! <#@@#> OEROE!
The best of the 3 you sent me!
I do agree with you on that Tiro! that's wy I desided to give the song the tittle is has! great you think this to !! thanks for the comment my friend! OEROE!
ThiS is SweeT!!!! A GreaT ElecTroniC RocK MiX!!! l Can'T WaiT to SeE WhO the WinneR is at the eNd of ThiS BattlE!!! lnSaNe!!!!! i**5**!
You're CRaZy BuD! InSANiTy ROcKS MS!! LOL!
The FriendlY ShakerS of the ShakE WhO WiIL lgnorE The BlacK MagiC SpeIL!! We WiIL WiN the ShakE BacK by MusiC!!!
WhO Do Y0U THiNK.....(((((((?))))))))))) LOL!