Under The Sea created by leppylove 13 years ago

Plays: 110 Favorites: 15
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Light/Bright Theme: Animation

To a brave Captain who sales the 7 seas. And recruits those lost souls who are in need of dire adventure. Thanks my Captain FLint for being inspiring, encouraging, and welcoming to all those who are new on MS!

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Nasmeesh - 13 years ago

Yes! Really nice!! This really made me think. The percussion was perfect. I love the change at 2:29. Awesome job. Very unique.

leppylove - 13 years ago

^^ Thank you! Sorry for the late reply! I'm like going through all my songs. To see which ones I missed! What did it make you think about? :D

luana01 - 13 years ago

wow it's beautiful
very relaxing and sweet

leppylove - 13 years ago

Thanks Luana! Oh man, I'm doing my best not to be bad at responding ^___^

Chronos - 13 years ago

Aye captain! :)
Amazing song Leppy; beautiful shades!!

leppylove - 13 years ago

Thank you my friend!!! < 3

acuanis - 13 years ago

oh my god very relaxing! *_* beatiful!!!

leppylove - 13 years ago

Hahaha thanks Acuanis!!!!!

Kitaro - 13 years ago

You did a song with a sea environment, I like so much this great song with beautiful sounds, very good job =)

leppylove - 13 years ago

Thank you so much Kitaro!!!! All your comments are making me feel all shiny inside!

thekoolgirl - 13 years ago

Just..wow, this is amazing. You took me through an underwater journey, and this is an incredible dedication for Cap'n Flint. lol. :P

leppylove - 13 years ago

Awwww, you all are making me blush!! ^_^

CaptainFlint - 13 years ago

ARGHhhh!Wow Leppy! thank ye so much =D!! I be just tak'n carbunculously short brake b'tween fights, went t' MS an' saw that ye commented on me profile, so I decided t' check it out. Next "Batten Down The Hatches!" th'n I know, I'm listen'n t' this an' I read th' descrption an' nearly fall o'er from me captain's deck =D! Ye did a great job creat'n a landscape o' underwater sounds, an' that be amazing! Ye really caught th' side o' me soul, which be almost ne'er s'n among me battle songs: th' roman

CaptainFlint - 13 years ago

IDK, Supposedly be meaning of something like "Crazy", I just using that English-Pirate translator :DDD

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

What the heck does carbunculously mean ? ...lol

leppylove - 13 years ago

Rofl Hhahaa YAY! I'm glad you aprove of the song my cpatain!

CaptainFlint - 13 years ago

Don't "Ahoy, Me Hearties! " write on me comment, Animals! Make ye own!

FoxHunter - 13 years ago

I love that song ^-^

DancingBear - 13 years ago

Roar Grrrr... GoooD!

CaptainFlint - 13 years ago

Ye really caught th' side o' me soul, which be almost ne'er s'n among me battle songs: th' romantic side! An' I really appreciate ye work'n so hard fer me dedication! Agin, thanks ye, Leppy, so much! I don't have any chose than t' take ye t' th' crew o' me fight'n ships "Walrus" an' assign ye a rank o' first mate! "Blimey Thats Good!" =D!

Pisky05 - 13 years ago

wonderful ^_^

leppylove - 13 years ago

haha I'm glad you think so!!!!

Bantha2 - 13 years ago

Very nice song and great tribute to the Capt. ..... well done

leppylove - 13 years ago

^^ Thankies!!!!

LadyMinerva - 13 years ago

"Under the Sea, Under the Ocean..." Is that how it goes?
Anyhow, love the feeling of being in a deep sea adventure with those instruments you've chose, Great song for a great Captain, I'm not really surprised about him at all, he does remind me of a certain someone... :)
Anyhow, great song as always Leppy! ^.^

leppylove - 13 years ago

Haha fabulous! I shall do so after I get food in my belly! ^^

LadyMinerva - 13 years ago

Awww... anytime Leppy. Really? Well I'll let you figure out where that quote came from! :)

leppylove - 13 years ago

I wonder who that could be ;) Thank you so much my wonderful friend! I'm not sure about that quote. Never herd of it. :D I shall now go investigate! I love your honest feed back. And that's why I believe you are one of the greats on this site < 3

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Jul 23 2012
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