Lost In A Day Dream, Race To Escape created by PriceyGK1 14 years ago

Plays: 49 Favorites: 3
Genre: Electronic/Techno Mood: Running/Wild Theme: Animation

Lost in your own train of thought, imagining all you have ever experienced and all you have never wanted to.

Racing your self to the finish, before you get lost in your own day dream forever..

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thekoolgirl - 13 years ago

Nice orchestra piece! I would say, maybe use less instruments, but other than that it sounds good. I think you should try to make it longer and add more sections to the song. Hmmm.. I might remix this for fun! =)

cicco81 - 13 years ago

feel free to do, and post me the reasult.
however you are right when you say then they are much istrument

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