Port of Ca'tel: Chasing a Talisman created by Androctonos 14 years ago

Plays: 78
Favorites: 11
Genre: Electronic/Techno
Mood: Dark/Heavy
Theme: Other
Pivotal moment in the first book of a series I'am writing where a young assassin has to track down a man that took a "certain object" and must do so before he sets sail. She is not aware that there are many others seeking the same object and they all are attempting to find the same man among the warrens surrounding the dockyard at the main Port of Ca'Tel. Let me know what you invision!
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Great job on this song.......very well done
Pretty hard to compete with that song
Woah, I like the guitars and how smoothly they are introduced.Perfect song, it rocks and I like everything about it.
Thanks a mil! sorry havn't been on in a while!
pretty good
= )
Hé shook you are really good, great!! :)))
Thanks for the encouragement always!! Glad you liked it!
Wow nice song,please tell me what synth is that at 0:14!!! It awesome!
Nicely done! Awesome!! =D