Phoenix vs Flickering life finished May 26th

89Ford challenged Flickermouse 12 years ago Votes: 7 Views: 1,591

Winner: Phoenix by 89Ford

so.. when are you going to lose this feel bad for me attitude and actually post some music? I see you talking crap, why not show off?

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Flickering life
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89Ford - 12 years ago

y am I always ur target about the charts?
I dont see you saying nothing about other people being constantly on it.
how about people from months ago being on this weeks charts?
does it make any sense to you?
how about looking back in the charts, let me show how stupid you look.
ok if you look back week to week to week and keep going back, you'll notice that some songs made a week ago are in chart listing from months ago.


89Ford - 12 years ago

y dont u go complain 2 Musicshake to fix this problem. stop bitching all the damn time, you need to just STFU and calm DOWN! lol ok? then maybe after you have CALMED DOWN then you could have a chance at really seeing whats going on. instead of being a hard head all the time.

89Ford - 12 years ago

oh well. you are a stepping stone, atleast I dont say you are cancer, and that you need to be put down. because you are no victim or a hero. just remember how you treat all those so called mules of me. hey you think I'm thienien too. I bet you think I'm Bantha, or Oeroe, lol at one time you thought I was Lesliedoll. sometimes I dont think you have a brain. lol have fun saying the things you do while I continue doing the things I do. =) noob.

89Ford - 12 years ago

so what did I do to you that was so horrible? you kept making up more stories as to why you have so many plays, because of Scorpius and your college that you DJ at. I LOL! guess where mine came from? Facebook, youtube, spotify, and good ole twitter when I was on it. lol some good days.

anyways about mules and plays, this really has to stop too.
no one is a mule of me, and I guess people dont like you because of the way you act.

89Ford - 12 years ago

heh facebook was the shit, when the program used to work with facebook, all you had to do was post the link to your facebook page and it would put your song on it, plus a play button so you didnt even have to go to the site. gah I miss that application, but you were to busy to notice stuff like this. lol

Flickermouse - 12 years ago

but I will say i still laugh at how you monitor my pages like a hawk lolo! I know your scared that someday they will believe the truth about you! that's why you cant let it go! just like your boosting!Oh by the way i see your still boosting your old songs your so pathetic! But someday all your songs will be the top 100 keep it up buddy! maybe music will become so shitty that you might get that big break you have shit all over everybody on music shake thinking your going to get! NOT!

89Ford - 12 years ago

lol? boosting my old songs? how about you boosting your songs every day for over 1000 plays in a hour? o_O this was before you got called out by Thienien. so think about what you say. it seems to backfire on you every shot.

Flickermouse - 12 years ago

oh don't worry your mule accounts are what 25 maybe more! i don't think my one vote has a chance Ford but its not like you have not rigged everything here for the last 6 years! lol means except to you! but I know you learned you lesson when scorpius Kicked your ass in front of all of music shake and he wasn't even here ! To prove he was the King the real icon as you say! You did not have enough mules back then ! He still beat you with the ones you used lololool

Flickermouse - 12 years ago

where you had to show your fucking ass and what a little punk you are! but no you got away with that two! then you stabbed me in the back as fast as you could after community brokered a supposed a peace that they would enforce what a lie!then the two times before! where you did the same!You have no more chances! You only have the opportunity to admit the truth about your actions! but you are not man enough to do that!So there just punishment for crimes committed and its much over due!

Flickermouse - 12 years ago

There is no table to come to Ford! You had 4 tables that you brought to and the minute I got up you stuck a knife right in my back like the worm you are! Your scum 89ford you know what you did and I know what you did! There forgiveness there no bygones be bygones there is only your crimes! For you have never had to pay for plain and simple!These people don't know all the horrible stuff you did to me! but we do!You had your last chance should of been the bullshit when i posted stand alone!

89Ford - 12 years ago

Flickermouse - 6 days ago
It seems ford has launched another attack the only place he can! by challenging a song of mine that is 2 years old ! it gives him a stage to spew his lies and hate! the funny thing is he is so deluded! he creates a argument or battle that never existed then applies it to me then makes a argument against it! Is good way to win a argument! But there is no truth to it! he does not even deal in reality anymore

89Ford - 12 years ago

lol been trying to deal with you for months, but you of course wont come to the table to discuss how we can get through this. bleh, I've left the table. you believe in God? WWJD? =/ whatever, I dont want to be tied up in this anymore, so I'm just gonna walk away. it's all childish anyways, atleast I dont talk shit about you.

89Ford - 12 years ago

not to offend you. just wondering. you know you can sit there and wait.
I know one thing for a fact. Time waits for no man.

so when you are ready to actually come back and make music, let me know, I want to be one of the first that comes to see what you got.

zzz so sad this is the only way we can communicate with each other.