Hello there :). I just wanted to tell you guys that Anatomy is an awesome awesome song. Actually, it kind of reminded me of Dieselboy (who is an amazing Drum and Bass artist), so that in itself makes this song true greatness. I hope a new shake pops up so
So You Wanted to Hear Techno..~°°°~ Alrighty Then...:::
a NerVous BreakDoWn..!!
Enjoy...Grtz. OEROE´s Techno LaB. LOL
If you have time >>>>>
I just wanted to tell you that I finally released a new song. If you have time, please stop by and have a listen! Thanks :)
Hello there :). I just wanted to tell you guys that Anatomy is an awesome awesome song. Actually, it kind of reminded me of Dieselboy (who is an amazing Drum and Bass artist), so that in itself makes this song true greatness. I hope a new shake pops up so
Hey guys! How's the Shakin goin?
= )