
Favorite artists
Queen, Relient K, Alexia, Aqua, Muse, Movetron
About me
I am a 23-year-old woman from Finland.
I like to listen all kinds of songs. I have lots of favourite songs from many genres.
I enjoy making music. I play keyboard and sometimes I compose my own little songs.
I have a special part in my heart for 90's eurobeat :D
Songs by ninnuli (15) see all
the Land of Make Believe this song is a RemiX of the Song "the Promised Land", which I created about 9 months ago! I felt the song needed just a little bit more magic, and than the song changed into the Land of Make Believe! LOL! I hope you will like it "overthere" !! Cheers, OEROE.
Album: Day Zero
Track 4: Aphelion
Short, simple and in my opinion one of my GREATEST SONGS!!!!
all i ask is for you to spare 3 minutes for this great song. thank you
Thank you for taking the time to listen and comment!
P.S.Thanks for the "Favorite"!
Likewise! :)
Nice work!
THE BEGINNING OF THE END !! this EPIC End Song, is a collabration between shakers iamzyne and OEROE2911 !! iamzyne produced the basic Song, and OEROE2911 "oeroenized " it , so it became an Epic BeGiNNiNG 0F THE END !! ENJOY!! OEROE.
beautiful brunette