Hi all shakers some of you guys got emails on your songs and its been selected... because im holding the music awards it was my idea but so i thought it will be very nice to give you awards well not really awards but emails awards that i posted on your song that won award so for the host for the i got a idea if very one a battle with someone and its has to be the same kind of music and thats will you againts and the most votes wins please go on the battle pages and do not PLEASE do not look at t
http://eng.musicshake.com/song/243046 - castle of light remix
http://eng.musicshake.com/song/243043 - supersonic 1
http://eng.musicshake.com/song/242785 - time forest remix
http://eng.musicshake.com/song/243050 - super sonic 2
Hello! I finally finished davidk's music request! If you wanna take a look at my song, Bass Cannon: http://eng.musicshake.com/song/230637
Hi all shakers some of you guys got emails on your songs and its been selected... because im holding the music awards it was my idea but so i thought it will be very nice to give you awards well not really awards but emails awards that i posted on your song that won award so for the host for the i got a idea if very one a battle with someone and its has to be the same kind of music and thats will you againts and the most votes wins please go on the battle pages and do not PLEASE do not look at t
HAPPY NEW YEAR !! a special 2014 remix of my song "defeat of desolation"
ENJOY and see you NEXT YEAR!!!!
Am done my album and its epic so you can see and if you dont know well here it is
4.The Hunger Games
5. Catching fire
my album preview is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! plz check it out
with a message to my fans
perfect fantasy