
Favorite genre
R&B, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Ballad, Jazz, Latin, Classical/New Age
Favorite artists
Areosmith, Bryan Ferry, Mars Lasar, Kevin Braheny, Vangelis, William Orbit, and assted others.
About me
I'm a professional artist in the meduims of Assemblage, Computer Graphics, Oils and Acrylics.
Songs by Zhann (35) see all
the FiNaL SPeLL this is the Final Spell of 2014 !! We will make sure there won't be an other one in 2015 !! haha! I used my last song "Dark Spirit" as a basis 4 this Song!
Enjoy, and I wish you ALL a very HappY 2015 !! OEROE
Hey Z, much appreciation for the song purchase again!
And yeah, I've listened to Bond before, but not lately.
= )
I just wanted to tell you that I finally released a new song. If you have time, please stop by and have a listen! Thanks :)
Yay! Z is alive! Thanx 4 the comment!
= )