
Favorite genre
Hiphop, Rock/Metal, Dance/Disco, Electronic/Techno, Pop, Classical/New Age, Other
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About me
I now own a Company!(no profits yet)
Called CrisisStudios. I will post a MS song, and one of my Company's songs links. Free to download.
Songs by Uber-Soldier (35) see all
Hello, i am Patricia i came across your profile here today and decided to get in contact with you for a a good reason, i will like you to respond to my email address so that we can have better communication, i have a lot interest to share with you, here is my direct email address patr3ka@yahoo.com , i hope to hear from you soon on my email address.
Patricia, patr3ka@yahoo.com
Hey there! If you have time please check out my song:"SilverShab Challenge" or "Techno/Classical" They are the same song! Please enjoy and rate if you really like it! Thanks a lot! =D
Hey whats up man :D Just dropped by to check up on an old friend.
Thanks for the favs and comments.^^
Hey, glad ur all fixed up now lol
when u have ur new songs up, let me know and i'll check em out when i can!
= )