We are all ROCKIN'NUTS !! Just take a GOOD LOOK around you..!! Do You See it?? LOL!! Let's Party!! have FUN! >#@@#< OEROE! http://eng.musicshake.com/song/253451
Initiated by Secret Fire, This is the final remix of my Fordoeroe Song "Reborn from the Ashes, in which I used Ford's original song Phoenix 89Ford for a basis ! I tried to use all my Musicshake Skills learned during my "Shaking Adventures" !! So I think it is a really Epic Song, in my Opinion, and I hope you will Enjoy this song as much as I did! Shoutout to fellowshaker 89Ford 4 creating the original !! Cheers, OEROE! http://eng.musicshake.com/song/253332
Hey I've had Music Shake for 2 years... That means I was 9. I 11 now :D BUT ON THE 12 OF THE 12 IT'S MY BDAY!!
We are all ROCKIN'NUTS !! Just take a GOOD LOOK around you..!!
Do You See it?? LOL!! Let's Party!! have FUN! >#@@#< OEROE!
Initiated by Secret Fire, This is the final remix of my Fordoeroe Song "Reborn from the Ashes, in which I used Ford's original song Phoenix 89Ford for a basis ! I tried to use all my Musicshake Skills learned during my "Shaking Adventures" !! So I think it is a really Epic Song, in my Opinion, and I hope you will Enjoy this song as much as I did! Shoutout to fellowshaker 89Ford 4 creating the original !! Cheers, OEROE!
do not say no to my rythm