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About me

I am 10. I like ballad songs. I am home schooled. I have 2 cats. I live with my mom and dad.

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89Ford - 14 years ago

awesome!! =) I dont believe I heard this song.. but it's freaking great!

Sorena2009 - 16 years ago

Great, awesome music! Sorry for being so late with ratings and comments on your page, I listened before to your music, including the wonderful dedicated song, that included me too ,but so far, I think that I simply forgot to comment and rate.And I apologize.This song is incredible, very epic, powerful, it does create a feeling of epic saga and tribute to a hero!AWESOME!!!!!

Link12 - 16 years ago

Very nice and as karma 5 put it to an equally awesome shaker. :)

karma5 - 18 years ago

Cool...I'm glad ur staying around. Any chance of hearing more great songs from u like this track and "Hell Divers" any time soon?

= )

BlackLiger - 18 years ago

I've decided to stick around longer

karma5 - 18 years ago

thnx 4 ur have u given up on MS completely or r u still sticking around?

= )

BlackLiger - 18 years ago

Thx man

karma5 - 18 years ago

Wow, awesome tribute to an equally awesome Shaker. its nice to see one more face from the "old school" MusicShake come like this is a breath of fresh air lately

= )

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