Hello! NO NO PLEASE READ! Wait you kept reading? Oh wow thanks! So heres the deal, I was going through my old music because I haven't been on here in like 2 years. Conclusion: MY MUSIC IS CRAP HOW DO PEOPLE LISTEN TO MY SHT? Well I found a good one :) Mind taking a listen buddy? The Final Copy: http://eng.musicshake.com/song/253210 Thanks a ton -^.^-
Phrenic ( Schyzo part 2 ) when you liked part 1 ( Schyzo ) , you definitely will like part 2 called "Prenic" ! I hope you will enjoy my little mindgame...cheers, OEROE! http://eng.musicshake.com/song/276663
schyzo... I decided the time was right to create some Real Techno Music on Musicshake...so I cave it my best shot!! Hope you will enjoy it! Cheers, OEROE. http://eng.musicshake.com/song/276555
ST0P LiViNG IN FEAR ! a Techno Song with a strong Message ! We are definitely not supposed to live our Life in Fear on this beautiful Planet, called Earth !! Read the discription, and Enjoy! OEROE.<#@@#> http://eng.musicshake.com/song/276477
BREAKING/BREAKING/BREAKING/BREAKING!!!!!!!! COME AND SEE MY NEW VIDEO "PHOENIX RISING ( Final Chapter) !! Music and Video created by OEROE2911 The Final Chapter in Human History is Here !! LOL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IRZilHb-Wx0
Hello! NO NO PLEASE READ! Wait you kept reading? Oh wow thanks! So heres the deal, I was going through my old music because I haven't been on here in like 2 years. Conclusion: MY MUSIC IS CRAP HOW DO PEOPLE LISTEN TO MY SHT? Well I found a good one :) Mind taking a listen buddy? The Final Copy: http://eng.musicshake.com/song/253210 Thanks a ton -^.^-
Phrenic ( Schyzo part 2 ) when you liked part 1 ( Schyzo ) , you definitely will like part 2 called "Prenic" ! I hope you will enjoy my little mindgame...cheers, OEROE!
schyzo... I decided the time was right to create some Real Techno Music on Musicshake...so I cave it my best shot!! Hope you will enjoy it! Cheers, OEROE.
ST0P LiViNG IN FEAR ! a Techno Song with a strong Message ! We are definitely not supposed to live our Life in Fear on this beautiful Planet, called Earth !! Read the discription, and Enjoy! OEROE.<#@@#>
Music and Video created by OEROE2911
The Final Chapter in Human History is Here !! LOL!
Thank you, MonoNimbus!
I appreciate the favorite....and thanks for listening!
Thanks for favoriting "I Don't Sing, But I Do Dance!"