
Favorite genre


About me

Greetings everyone! I'm a big fan of heavy metal and epic music. I pretty much like any kind of music, as long as it isn't rap, but epic and heavy metal are at the top of my list. I also play all sorts of online games like Roblox as EmperorOfKings, Darkspore as SlayerOfEmperors, and I also play Modern warfare 3 and black ops online as MatrixFury on my PS3. In case you wanted to try to find me online some how other than, that's what this info's for. If you are feeling brave, try challenging The Ultimate Drums! >:)

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R3fn4 - 14 years ago!/R3fn4

karma5 - 15 years ago

no problemo for the feedback!

= )

karma5 - 15 years ago

Mucho respect to you for not being afraid to go BIG with the sound and length of your songs. Good stuff so far!

= )

sapianddog2 - 15 years ago

Nice stuff man. Keep it up.

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