
Favorite genre

Electronic/Techno, Ballad, Jazz, Classical/New Age

About me

Well I've left musicshake everyone, It's been great here looking back at the good ol' days of the dim, blue glowing musicshake that some how sparked my imagination. Well now musicshake just isn't enough for me anymore. I want to got beyond the limitations of this program to learn to compose true music of my very own.

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Bantha - 13 years ago

This one is for the unspoken.

silverhok77 - 14 years ago

No, don't go! At least check back with us every once in a while, if you can. That'd be cool. :DDD

Link12 - 14 years ago

C thats just what I I'm doing now except not leaving MS. :P

scootch - 14 years ago

sorry 2 c u go ol friend & ol friend ur but u may remember me better by my original shaker name [mamyplus5] 2007. i DO wish u all the best, but luck u do not need cause u r loaded with TALENT.:::::Merry Christmas & a prosperus New Year with ur new project.

Link12 - 14 years ago

Hey check out this guys song its amazing also he really wants to win so yeahh
Heres the link below

scootch - 15 years ago

Just dropt in to say hi & 2 say sorry for my goofball behaviouer. My [scootch account is still active but I also

created a new one under shaker name [mockingbird] Sarena2009 don`t care to much for that name, so she wan`ts

to get with a few of you in creating a NEW NAME for me. I truely appreciate that, but I see nothing wrong with

[mockingbird] specialy after all my song deeleetions. If I would have kept my first shaker name [mamyplus5] &

fogone the deeleetions, I would now have around

scootch - 15 years ago
CHECK THIS VIDEO OUT. IT IS AWESOME. ALSO READ WHAT IT SAY`S. I`am 64+yr`s old & it brought tears to my eyes. I guess I`m just an old softy. NOT DOING GOOD IS WHY I HAVE BEEN M.I.A. Will return when & if things

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