
Favorite genre
Hiphop, R&B, Pop, Ballad
Favorite artists
Epik High, SG Wannabe, TVXQ, Big Bang, SNSD, Jay Chou, Family Force 5, Fly To THe Sky, Relient K, Hawk Nelson, RED, The Devil Wears Prada
About me
I feel like musicshake is kind of cheating as a program of making music but I still like it.
I am a Korean and a christian.
I like Korean music and also like Christian Rock that is American.
Songs by Kuracairou (10) see all
an Ambient Dreamlike Beautiful Easy....Song! RELAX!
grts. OEROE!
Hey there! If you have time please check out my song:"SilverShab Challenge" or "Techno/Classical" They are the same song! Please enjoy and rate if you really like it! Thanks a lot! =D
Hey!!! I heard you like to talk with Older shakers, So, Hear me out! I've been here scince the beginning, And ever scince i've wanted to make a gospel song. But I have no gospel vocals. :( Can you help me?