
Favorite genre

Ballad, Jazz, Classical/New Age

Favorite artists

On here: karma5, Rivine, ventrella; On YouTube: AVByte, Peter Hollens, Lindsay Sterling, Rhett&Link, Melody Sheep; Pretty much everyone off Whomix; and elsewhere various others there will never be enough room to share on here.

About me

New to Musiceshake - still gaining my feet and trying to see what I can do with this program. Originally joined so that I could make a national anthem for my country on which is why my user is the name of my country on there. You might see a few more national anthems crop up on here over time but for now I'm working on other music to fill time and try and grow.

I listen to a few people on here - although not massively. How I discover people depends on if I see them when I browse songs and they catch my interest. Whether or not they're courteous on my profile/songs etc. If you advertise your songs on my profile I will not give you a listen. Its a pet peeve of mine and its just not happening but in return I promise I will never advertise my music on any of your profiles. I'm not a hypocrite in this area. If I'm worth your time listening to - you'll find me.

(Edited and Shorter version of previous info):
DO NOT ADVERTISE YOUR SONGS ON MY PROFILE!!!! I will not listen to them and I will delete the comment if you do. My profile is not a place for free advertisement I don't listen to you because to do so would be a tremendous waste of my time - I don't listen to people who aren't even half way literate enough to read "don't advertise" nor polite enough to comment on my songs properly. The people who have been banned from ever commenting on my profile for breaking this rule so far are the following: Ariyandi, Toufukeks, nonoman123, cavedog962, Awatson, StarShooter, and Trance Mick.

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