
Favorite genre
Electronic/Techno, Hiphop, Other, Rock/Metal
Favorite artists
Tarou_, Yakozu, wildemuis, Hwan, MimiCakee, Lock_on, Kenta_Kusanagi.
About me
Well, I really like drawing, gaming, playing guitar and mixing at MusicShake of course. I'm also really into anime, but only watch it every once in a while :X
I'm not really that gd with MusicShake, but then again it's rather a hobby of mine =)
Happy MusicShakin' ppls,
Songs by Hamii (9) see all
Good song! worthy of á little challange'! grtz oeroe!
It's a good song, it might need another guitar to back up the melody because it's a longer version but everything sounds great, awesome job! :)
thanks for your great sense.