It Wasn't Your Time to Go created by MusicManNow 8 years ago

SONG TITLE: It Wasn't Your Time to Go
Recently, a good friend of mine lost his wife during the night when she passed away in her sleep. She was also my dear friend of over 30 years. This song is about how difficult it is to lose someone unexpectedly, especially when they are young. You say to yourself, "IT WASN'T YOUR TIME TO GO!".
At the beginning of the song, you will hear my friend sigh,and ask "Why me?" He can't understand why his wife has left him alone to live by himself without her by his side. The music illustrates the storms that we feel inside when we cannot reason accurately why something bad has happened to us. At the end of the song, a sense of peace enters the husband as he realizes that this situation is not going to change. You will hear the sound of light raindrops after a heavy storm. This is the calm that enters in us when we know that we don't have the power to change things.
Raymond Bevilacqua is MusicManNow.
He has composed and produced this song on MusicShake.
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